
Romanian President Pushes For Investments In County’s Agric, Food, Tourism Sectors

Romanian President Traian Basescu met Tuesday in Jerusalem with a group of Israeli businesspeople and told them that one can make “successful investments” in Romania in the food industry, agriculture and tourism sectors, assuming they will not vanish away.

Romania Needs EUR2B To Endow Hospitals With Modern Equipment

Romanian health minister Ion Bazac said Thursday that Romania needs EUR2 billion to endow public hospitals with modern medical equipment and public investments in healthcare will continue this tear despite the economic crisis.

Romanian Tourism Ministry To Assign EUR20M To Investments In Spa Sector

Romania’s Tourism Ministry will assign in the coming years some EUR20 million to participate together with local public authorities to the development of two spa projects, in Tusnad and Praid, central Romania, minister Elena Udrea said Thursday.

Romanian Govt Allots 20% Of ’09 Budget Spending For Invest – Sources

Romania's Government decided in Thursday’s meeting to assign 20% of the 2009 budget spending for investments, mainly in infrastructure, governmental sources told MEDIAFAX on Thursday.

Renault Asks Romania For State Aid, Guarantees In EUR310M Invest

French automaker Renault asked the Romanian Government for a EUR15.4 million state aid and might also ask for state guarantees for a EUR100 million European Investment Bank (EIB) loan, for EUR310 million investments in the group’s Romanian Dacia factory in Mioveni and car testing center in Titu.

Romania’s Cefin Real Estate Postpones Projs On Lending Shortage

Romanian developer Cefin Real Estate Asset Management will postpone the real estate projects it did not start due to difficulties in getting funds, while the undergoing constructions works are seen completed in due time, the group’s general manager Stefano Albarosa said Wednesday.

Romania 3Q Investments Up 23.6% Y-Y To RON24.95B

Investments in Romania increased 23.6% on year in the third quarter of 2008, to 24.95 billion lei (EUR1=RON3.7617), according to the data released Wednesday by the National Statistical Institute, or INS.

Romania 1H Net Investments Up 31.8% On Yr – INS

Romanian local net investments in the first half of 2008 rose 31.8% to 32.45 billion lei (EUR1=RON3.5330) compared with the same period a year ago, according to the interim data published Monday by the country’s Statistics Institute, or INS.

Foreign Investors’ 5-Mo Ownership In Romanian Cos Double On Yr To EUR1.86B

Foreign direct investments as contribution to the share capital of companies registered in Romania reached EUR1.86 billion in the first five months, more than double compared to EUR890 million in the corresponding period of 2007, Romania’s Trade Register ONRC said Tuesday.

Romania To Grant EUR575M State Aid By 2012 To Investors Creating Over 500 Jobs

Large companies investing over EUR100 million in Romania and creating at least 500 new jobs will benefit from some EUR25 million in state aid, from a total EUR575 million earmarked for 2008-2012.

Foreign Invest Support Econ Growth Despite Pft Repatriation- Econ Min

Foreign investments supported Romania’s economic growth even if certain companies repatriated their profit, Romanian Minister of Economy and Finance, Varujan Vosganian, said Thursday during a seminar on economic issues.

Romanian Govt Thumbs Up Investment Law

The Romanian Government approved Wednesday the law stimulating investments, which targets the grant of facilities and state aid in several sectors, among which, processing industry, electricity and natural gas production and supply, and telecommunications, the Economy and Finance Ministry said.

Romania’s Romgaz Mulls Investing RON32M In Gas Wells Upgrade

Romgaz Medias, one of Romania’s largest gas producers, will invest 32 million lei (EUR1=RON3.6698), VAT excluded, in the upgrade of ten natural gas wells, the company said Monday.

Israeli Investment In Romania Tops EUR2 Billion-Attaché

Israeli investments in Romania exceeded EUR2 billion, the bulk of which being directed to the real estate sector, according to Israeli Embassy commercial attaché Yifat Inbar.

Romania, Bulgaria Engaged In Tough Race For EUR7B Austrian Investment

Romania stands higher chances than Bulgaria to attract the EUR7 billion-investment that Austria's steel-maker Voelstahlpine plans to make in the Black Sea region.

Romania Invested 0.49% Of GDP In R&D In ‘08

Romania invested 0.49% of its gross domestic product in research and development in 2006, ranking second to last in Europe, according to a press release issued by Eurostat, which places Cyprus last, with 0.42% of the GDP invested in R&D.

Romania’s Econ Potential Highest Among SE European States- U.S. Ambassador

Romania is one of the best-kept secrets when it comes to investment opportunities, U.S. Ambassador to Bucharest Nicholas Taubman said in New York on Tuesday, during an event meant to promote Romanian business opportunities.