
British Court Sentences Romanian Pimp To 10 Yr Jail Term

A Romanian pimp who lured a young girl to the UK, where he raped her and forced her to work as a prostitute, has been sentenced to ten years in prison, times.co.uk reported.

Bucharest Court Sentences Ex Deputy Nati Meir To 4Yr Jail Term In Swindling Case

Former deputy Nati Meir was sentenced to a four-year jail term by the Bucharest Court after he deceived several people to whom he promised jobs in Israel.

Romanian Court Releases Communist-Era General Chitac To Allow Surgical Procedures

The Bucharest Military Court on Wednesday decided to discontinue for one month the 15-year prison sentence of former high-ranking general Mihai Chitac to allow surgical procedures.

Most Romanians Want Felonies Punished With Jail Time

Six out of ten Romanians want felonies to be punished with jail time and think fear of the penalty would discourage felons and current laws don’t stipulate punishments that discourage misdemeanors, according to a poll of Transparency International Romania (TI-Ro).

Romanian Commerce Chamber Official Sentenced To 5 Yrs In Jail For Corruption

A Romanian court on Monday sentenced the Commerce and Industry Chamber’s representative for Europe, Magda Tepoi, to five and a half years in prison on charges of embezzlement of European funds and corruption.

Top Communist-Era General Wants 15 Yr Jail Term Lifted

Former high-ranking general Victor Athanasie Stanculescu, sentenced to 15 years in prison Wednesday for his role in the killing of in demonstrators during the 1989 anti-communist revolution, asked that his jail term be lifted.