
Aplicaţia care îţi spune dacă ai intrat în contact cu un bolnav de coronavirus. În ce ţară este deja folosită

Ministerul Sănătăţii din Israel a pus la dispoziţia oamenilor o aplicaţie, HaMagen (Scutul), care le permite să afle dacă au intrat în contact cu un purtător al coronavirusului.

Ruling Party Leader Urges Palestinian Embassy to Correct Statements on Israel Embassy Situation

Romania's Lower Chamber chairman, Liviu Dragnea, requested the Palestinian Embassy to Bucharest to correct statements according to which he ensured the ambassador that Romania will not move its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem, stating that it did not reflect talks between the two.

Romanian Prime Minister Announces Relocation of Israel Embassy Jerusalem

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced on Sunday, during a visit to the US, that Romania will move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, pending the finish of an analysis on the subject. She was later criticized by President Klaus Iohannis, who denied that a decision was made.