
Iohannis: In recent years, Romania’s judiciary, subjected to attempts of subordination to politics

President Klaus Iohannis has stated on Wednesday, at the activity report of the Supreme Court, that, in recent years, the Romanian judiciary has been subjected to attempts of subordination to the politics and, "to these challenges, the response of the Romanian society" was "adequate".

Romanian Presidency Announces Questions for May 26 Referendum

Romania’s Presidential Administration spokesperson, Madalina Dobrovolschi, announced in a press statement on Thursday the two questions which will be asked at the upcoming referendum on the judiciary, set to take place at the same time with European Parliament elections, on May 26.

European Commission Reacts To Decree Re-Opening High Profile Cases

The European Commission reacted on Tuesday to the Romanian Justice Minister’s announcement of a Government decree which would re-open cases judged by erroneously formed Supreme Court panels, stating that it is important for the country to ensure an independent judiciary.

Ruling Party Leader Accuses Judicial Abuses, EU Double Standard And Multinationals In Speech

Romania’s Lower Chamber chairman, Liviu Dragnea, delivered a belligerent speech during the Social Democrat Party (PSD) national council meeting on Sunday, criticizing the judicial system, multinationals and EU institutions, among others.

Romania’s High Council Of Magistrates Worked Intensely In ’08 To Reform Judiciary

The head of Romania’s High Council of the Magistrates, Lidia Barbulescu, said Thursday the council worked intensely throughout 2008 to reform the judiciary, to increase transparency and to be closer to citizens.

Romanian Govt Withdraws The 4 Legal Codes From Parliament To Improve Them

Romania’s Government withdrew from Parliament the Civil and the Criminal Code, as well as the Codes of Civil Procedure and of Criminal Procedure, minister-delegate for the Relationship with Parliament Victor Ponta told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.

Romania’s New Govt To Lower No. Of Emergency Decrees, Reform Judiciary

Romania’s new government plans to enforce extraordinary procedures for recruitment in the judicial system, to grant public and free access to the official database of all normative acts and plans to do away with the excessive use of emergency decrees to pass laws.

EU Could Activate Safeguard Clause On Justice In Romania – Official

Romanian EU Commissioner Leonard Orban told a news conference Monday that, in theory, the Union could activate the safeguard clause on Romania in the field of justice, but added he hopes the country registers significant progress in the upcoming months to avoid such measures.