
MP Drafts Law Banning Romania’s Would-Be Natural Gas Exports

Romanian leftist MP Iulian Iancu told an energy conference Tuesday that he has submitted a draft law banning natural gas exports, even though Romania is physically unable to unfold such exports at the moment.

Romanian PM Says Investments, Revised Constitution, New Labor Laws Are Govt’s Priorities

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Monday evening investments, revising the Constitution and improved labor legislation are the Government’s priorities this year, adding austerity measures are expected to yield results in 2011.

Romania Won’t Suspend Public Procurement Auctions When Challenged By Bidders

Challenges to public procurement auctions in Romania will no longer suspend contract awarding procedures under the country’s amended public procurement legislation, which has been notified to the European Commission.

Romania To Amend Public Procurement Legislation To Speed Up Procedures, Hinder Abusive Challenges

Romania has amended its public procurement legislation banning bidders from challenging auctions until the procedure is finished and shortening settlement terms to ten days from the previous 20.

Romania Likely To Introduce Mandatory Energy Certification As Of End March

Romania is likely to introduce mandatory energy certification for buildings as of March 30, Development Ministry state secretary Ioan Andreica said Wednesday, adding the ministry will propose to exempt thermally rehabilitated buildings.

Romanian Transp Ministry To Regulate Railway Accidents Investigations

Romania's Transport Ministry will draft a government decision regulating the investigation and the prevention of railway accidents, after three trins went off the rails in the country just in the past week.

Romanian SMEs Min Drafts Holdings Legislation

Romania's Ministry for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises drafted a bill on holding companies, intending to bring in Romania the holdings with Romanian capital registered offshore.

Romania Housing Agency Tenants To Be Able To Contract Mortgage Loans

Tenants of the Romanian National Housing Agency will be able to take out mortgages on the homes to contract loans with the purpose of buying the apartments they are currently renting, while banks will be able to sell, at any time, the mentioned homes, if loans aren’t returned.

Romanian Magistrates No Longer Appointed Without Contest

The Romanian executive on Wednesday amended the legislation on magistrates’ statute, by eliminating the possibility for former judges and prosecutors, as well as for acting lawyers to be appointed magistrates without passing a test.

Romanian Wind Pwr Producers Urge Amendments To Regulations In The Field

The Romanian Association of Wind Power Producers urges amendments to the regulations authorizing the construction of wind-power plants, given the increase in the number of investors expressing interest in the field, but who are discouraged by the regulations imposed by the country’s Civil Aeronautic Authority (AACR).

Romania Displays ‘Surplus Of Democracy’ In Public Procurement Law-President

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Tuesday criticized the legislation on public procurement, saying he feels there is “a surplus of democracy” as public auctions are suspended when one of the bidders file complaints.

Over 50% Of Websites Selling Airplane Tickets Breach European Legislation- EU Commissioner

Over 50% of websites selling airplane tickets breach the law when it comes to prices, contract terms and conditions, therefore, the owners of such websites have four months to correct all irregularities, the European Commissioner for Consumer Protection Meglena Kuneva said Wednesday.