
Ghetea, CEC Bank: Risks Related To SME Lending Decreased From Previous Years

Risks related to the funding of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Romania have decreased compared with the previous years, as the “market is cleaner” after the bulk of SMEs have vanished after the financial crisis, Radu Gratian Ghetea, president of state-owned lender CEC Bank.

Romanian Private Lending Seen Recovering In H2

Romanian private lending is poised to pick up in the second half of 2011, albeit at a slower pace compared with pre-crisis levels, said Radu Ghetea, head of Romanian Banking Association.

Romania Ctrl Bk Readies Measures To Discourage FX Household Lending

The Romanian central bank is preparing a set of measures to discourage foreign currency borrowing among people who get their paychecks in lei, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said in an interview.

Romanian Banks Lack Trust To Resume Lending, Not Money – Ctrl Bker

Romanian lenders are ready to resume lending “right now,” as they have sufficient liquidity, but they lack confidence in the economy, a central bank official said Friday.

Romanian Agric Min To Lobby At EU For Lending Incentives To Farmers

Romania’s Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara on Friday said he plans to lobby at the European Union for credit incentives to farmers, arguing that lending is the most efficient way to develop Romania’s agriculture sector.

Romanian Banks Gloomy About Lending Revival In 2010 – Survey

Romanian banks are pessimistic about lending revival in 2010, following tightening credit terms on the local market in the second quarter of the year, a central bank survey showed Friday.

Romanian Bankers Expect New Loan Restructuring Deals

Romanian bankers expect a second wave of credit restructuring following the austerity measures announced by the government in the public sector, but say the system is able to sustain it.

Romanian Banks, SMEs Need Dialogue To Revive Lending

Lending in Romania won't resume as long as banks and the small and medium-sized enterprises keep treating risk as a hot potato, refusing to split it, according to Aurel Saramet, president of Romanian SMEs guarantee fund FNGCIMM.

EIB Loans To Romania Hit EUR1.48M Record High In 2009

The European Investment Bank’s total lending in Romania reached the record level of EUR1.48 billion in 2009, the international bank said in a statement Thursday.

Some 7M Romanian Lending Contracts To Undergo EU Imposed Amendments

The amendment of the Romanian legislation on the loans taken out by individuals will have an impact on over seven million contracts concluded with banks, according to consumer protection authority (ANPC) president Constantin Cerbulescu.

Romania Jan Private Lending Falls 8.2% YY To RON199.3B

Romanian private lending fell 8.2% in real terms to 199.28 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1252) in January compared with the same month a year earlier, central bank data showed Tuesday.

Romanian Banks See Easier Conditions For Mortgage Loans, First Time In 2 Yrs – Survey

Romanian banks expect, for the first time in the past two years, a relaxation of lending standards for mortgage loans, on the real estate market, by lowering housing prices, according to a central bank survey.

ING Bank Romania Eyes 10% Revenue Growth In 2010

ING Bank Romania expects a 5% to 10% revenue growth in 2010, fueled by higher lending, general manager Misu Negritoiu said Thursday.

Private Lending To Grow Gradually In 2010 – Romanian Ctrl Bker

Romanian private lending is bound to return to growth in the following period, but there will be no jump-starting of the sector, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Friday.

Romania Fin Min Looks For Solutions To Restart Lending

Romania's Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Thursday, after meeting officials of the Romanian Banking Association ARB, they are looking for solutions to restart lending, but banks have no new projects to finance.

Romanian Lending To Recover In 2010, Pressure Still Remains – IMF

Romanian lending activity will start to recover in 2010, but the financial system will remain under pressure, an official of the International Monetary Fund said Wednesday.

Romanian Ctrl Bker: Fiscal Consolidation Needed To Resume Lending

Fiscal consolidation is important to allow a restart of the lending activity this year, once financing demand starts to pickup, especially from the corporate sector, Romania's central bank deputy governor Cristian Popa said Wednesday.

EBRD: Romanian Banks Should Give More Loans In Lei

Romanian lenders’ main challenge ahead is to offer long-term loans in Romanian lei, because is unhealthy for households and companies to be borrowing in foreign currency while their income is in lei, an official with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said Wednesday.

Romania Ctrl Bk July Lombard Lending Hits 4-Mo High

Romanian lenders borrowed in July 1.299 bilion lei (EUR1=RON4.2236) from the central bank through the Lombard loan, the highest level since March, the central bank said Wednesday.

Romanian Soc-Democrats Ask For Lending-Restart Calendar, Lower Interest Rates

Mircea Geoana, the Romanian Senate Chairman and president of the Social Democratic Party PSD, Monday said he asked the Finance Ministry to draw up, together with the central bank BNR and the banking sector, a calendar on restarting the lending activity and on interest rates reduction.

Head Of Romanian Bk Assoc Sees „First Home” Program As First Step To Lending Revival

The “First Home” program is a first step to lending revival and will also support housing constructions and re-launch the activity of hundreds of real estate agencies, Romanian Banks Association ARB president Radu Ghetea said Wednesday.

Bk Lending May Revive In 3 To 9-Mos – CFA Romania

The lending activity in the Romanian banking system may revive in a three- to nine-month period, but the local companies will not register similar growth rates as prior to the crisis, CFA Romania president Dragos Cabat said Tuesday.

Romanian PM Deems IMF Agreement Essential For Lending Revival

Romania’s agreement with the IMF is essential for reviving the lending activity, as about two thirds of the external loan value will be directed to the central bank and, from the rest of the sum that will go to the Finance Ministry, a part will be distributed to banks, Prime Minister Emil Boc said.

Lending Activity To Be Resumed In Spring – Romanian PM

The lending activity will be resumed this spring, and the economy might revive if the government’s policies continue to be correlated with those of the central bank, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc stated Thursday during the conference Mediafax Talks about Auto Industry.

Romanian Household Lending Flat In Jan Compared With Dec

Romanian household lending was blocked in January, as it stayed at the previous month’s level, both on the mortgage and consumer loans’, according to the central bank BNR data.

Romania Jan Lending Down For 4th Consecutive Mo

Loans in local currency decreased in January by 1.1% in real terms, for the fourth month in a row, while loans in foreign currency, expressed in euros, dropped by 0.1%, compared with 1% last December, according to the data of the National Bank of Romania.

Romania May Resort To CEC, Eximbank If Lending Crunch Continues – Senate Speaker

Romanian authorities will assign additional funds to capitalize state-owned lenders CEC Bank and Eximbank and up guarantee funds for small and medium-sized enterprises, unless banks restart the lending activity, Senate chairman Mircea Geoana said Tuesday.

Romanian Bks To Have New Lending Rules In Less Than A Week – Bks Assoc Head

Romanian banks will have new lending rules in less than a week and will ask for a minimum advance paid of 20%-25% at mortgage lending, the president of the Romanian Banks Association, Radu Ghetea, said Thursday.

Ctrl Bk To Decide On Amending Household Lending Rules Next Wk

Romania’s central bank will decide next week whether it would amend household lending rules, especially those related to mortgage loans, banking sources told MEDIAFAX Friday.

Romania’s Ctrl Bk New Lending Norms Block Loan Refinancing – BCR Official

The new household lending norms of Romania’s central bank BNR have blocked the loans refinancing, which will further be available for significantly fewer clients, a senior manager within Romania's largest lender by assets BCR said Friday.

Banks Refuse To Give Credits On Lack Of Long-Term Funds – Romanian Ctrl Bker

Romanian banks have lots of requests, but they don’t want to grant loans, due to lack of long-term financing, although they argue the new household lending rules limit their activity, the central bank's Supervision Department director Nicolae Cinteza said Friday.

Romanian Bk Assoc Head: Banks Want Rate Subsidies For SME Lending

The bankers have proposed the Economy and Finance Ministry to subsidize the interest rates paid for loans taken by the small and medium-size companies, which might be strongly affected by the economic crisis, Romanian Banks’ Association president Radu Ghetea said Thursday.

Romanian Ctrl Bk To Assess Effects Of New Household Lending Rules In Jan

The National Bank of Romania will analyze in January the effects of the new household lending rules and might decide to readapt them to the new market conditions, central bank deputy governor Florin Georgescu said Wednesday.

Ctrl Bker: Effects Of New Lending Rules To Be Analyzed Three Mos After Adoption

The National Bank of Romania told the commercial banks that the effects of the new household lending regulations will be analyzed three months after their adoption, Adrian Vasilescu, adviser of the central bank's governor, said Tuesday.

Romanian Bks To Resume Corporate Lending In 2-3 Weeks – Fiscal Agency Official

Romanian companies face a certain financial blockage, as banks halted lending, Daniel Chitoiu, head of the Romanian fiscal authority ANAF, said Thursday, adding the situation will improve in the following two or three weeks.

Romanian Ctrl Bker: Mkt Worries Cause Lending Slowdown, Not Ctrl Bk Rules

The lending slowdown in the last period was caused by the uncertainties on the local and international financial market, not by the central bank’s new regulations regarding household lending, Romania’s central bank governor Mugur Isarescu told a press conference Monday.

Romanian Banks Stop Interbank Lending On Market Rumors

The Romanian banks have stopped interbank lending due to market rumors, but the liquidity was ensured from other sources, the head of the National Bank of Romania supervision department Nicolae Cinteza said Wednesday.

Romanian Ctrl Bk Household Lending Rules Could Slow Dn Econ Growth In 2009 – BCR

Romania could see a slowdown in economic growth starting 2009, especially in construction and services, as an effect of the central bank’s regulations limiting household lending risk, Romania’s largest lender Banca Comerciala Romana, or BCR, said in a report.

Romania 1H Private Debt Up 134% On Yr, To RON1.69B

Romania’s total private debt more than doubled in the first six months of the year, reaching 1.69 billion lei (EUR1=RON3.5010), the central bank said Tuesday.

Romanian Ctrl Bk Extends Debates On Debt Ceiling Draft Regulation By Jul 31

Romania’s central bank extended until Jul 31 the period for public debates on its draft regulation limiting credit risk on household lending after several commercial banks required the extension.