local authorities

Romanian Mandatory Home Insurance Policies To Be Sold Through Town Halls

Romanian insurer PAID will collaborate with local authorities to sell mandatory home insurance policies, its estimates showing that 60% of the houses in the country, around five million, are not insured.

Romanian Govt Transfers EUR90M To Local Auth, Most Run By Ruling Party

Romania's Government has transferred around EUR90 million to local authorities, for infrastructure development projects and the construction of sports centers in rural areas, with most of the money going to units administered by the ruling Democratic Liberal Party (PDL).

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Local Authorities Can’t Make New Investments If Old Projects Not Finished

Romanian local authorities will be forbidden to finance new investment projects if they did not ensure funds to complete projects that have already been started, according to the final form of the country’s 2011 draft state budget, obtained by MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Local Auth To Rehabilitate Building Facades And Retrieve Money From Homeowners

Romanian local authorities will be able to use their own budgets to rehabilitate apartment buildings and then get their money back from homeowners, including through foreclosure, according to a bill drafted by the Development Ministry, minister Elena Udrea said Thursday.

About 1,000 Public Servants, Local Mayors Protest In E Romania Over Budget Cuts

About one thousand public servants and local mayors in the eastern Romanian county of Vrancea protested Wednesday at the prefect’s office in county seat Focsani, demanding the annulment of a government decree that took over 34 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2478) off the county’s budget.

Romanian Govt To Stop Funding Local Authorities Unless They Cut Staff Numbers – PM

The Romanian Government will halt the transfer of state funds to the local budgets unless local administrations cut back on the number of employees within the bodies and departments in their subordination until mid-August, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Sunday.

Romania Might Close Down Hospitals Not Taken Over By Local Authorities – Health Min

Romanian authorities will soon assess the stages of the hospital decentralization process and the hospitals that present no interest to local authorities might be closed down, Health Minister Cseke Attila told a news conference Friday.

Romanian Local Authorities To Receive Another RON1B For Infrastructure Projects

The Romanian Government’s program to develop infrastructure and create sports bases in rural areas will be granted an extra 1 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2840) and its length will be extended by three years, until the end of 2012.

Schools In Romania To Be Run By Parents, Teachers, Local Authorities – Official

Romanian democrat liberal lawmaker, Mircea Toader, on Sunday said the country’s ruling coalition decided, it its meeting on Saturday evening, that schools will be run by a managing board, which will equally include parents, teachers and representatives of the local administration.

Romania’s Govt Eyes Agreements Btw Central, Local Authorities, Unions To Avoid „Useless Conflicts”

Romanian ministries will set by the end of September minimum quality and cost standards for the public decentralized services and will also identify clearly the responsibilities to avoid “useless conflicts of interest”, according to a document approved by the government.

Romanian Govt Might Cut Budget Spending For Local Auth, State Companies By EUR1B – Sources

The Romanian Government is in talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to reduce the planned budget spending by EUR1 billion, mainly through closer surveillance and a limit on the sums used by the local administration and the large state companies, official sources said.

Romanian PM Meets Local Authorities Monday To Discuss Cost Standards

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc will meet Monday afternoon, at the government’s headquarters, with representatives of local authorities for a first discussion regarding cost standards, which will become mandatory for all local public institutions.

Romanian Govt To Let Local Authorities Manage Ports, Airports, Hospitals, Auto Registry Departments

Romania’s decentralization process will allow local authorities to manage local departments and units of central government structures, such as farming departments, local auto registry departments, hospitals, ports, airports and will imply amending the country’s main administrative laws.

Romanian Govt To Redistribute Money Left Unspent In 2008 To Local Authorities

The Romanian government will redistribute to local authorities funds that weren’t spent in 2008, after it had previously decided to have that money returned to the state budget, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday.