
Jason Statham se întoarce pe marile ecrane, din 26 august, în filmul „Mecanicul 2” – VIDEO

Filmul "Mecanicul 2/ Mechanic: Resurrection", regizat de Dennis Gansel, continuarea lungmetrajului de acţiune de succes din 2011, "The Mechanic", cu actorul Jason Statham în rolul lui Arthur Bishop, va putea fi vizionat pe marile ecrane ale cinematografelor din ţară, începând de vineri.

Mechanic Of Derailed Train in E Romania Admits Negligence, Will Be Sacked

The mechanic of a fast passenger train which derailed Sunday in Galati county, eastern Romania, will be fired after he admitted he ran a red light and caused the train to derail when he reversed gear to avoid collision with another train.

Mechanic Of Derailed Train in E Romania Investigated For Negligence At Work

The mechanic of a fast passenger train which derailed Sunday in Galati county, eastern Romania, is investigated for negligence, as primary data shows he ignored a red light and reversed gear because another train was coming on the same track.