
IMF Requests Sale Or Liquidation Of Monitored Romanian Cos

Romanian state-owned companies monitored by the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission widened losses in the last months, prompting the financial institutions to recommend their privatization or liquidation, Monday said Jeffrey Franks, chief of the IMF delegation to Romania.

Romanian Prosecutor General Kovesi Says EC Justice Monitoring May Be Lifted This Year

Romania’s Prosecutor General, Codruta Kovesi, said Tuesday on radio station RFI that the Public Ministry and the National Anticorruption Department have registered some real progress, and European Commission monitoring could cease this year, but this also depends on the other justice institutions.

Romania, IMF Highlight 10 Public Companies For Monitoring

Romania's Government and the International Monetary Fund drafted a list of ten state-owned companies subject to economic performance monitoring in order to reduce the volume of subsidies, according to the additional letter of intent to the EUR12.95 billion stand-by loan signed with the Fund.

Half Of Romanian Managers Use Software Applications To Monitor Employees

Nearly half of Romanian managers (45.7%) use software applications to monitor their employees’ activity, most of them using two or more such devices, while 35.5% do not use monitoring software applications, according to a poll made by IT services company GeCAD Net.

Over 50 Romanian Pupils Exposed To British Pupils Infected With A-H1N1 Virus

Vasile Guzganu, principal of the Romanian “Ioan Holban” high school in Iasi, eastern Romania, on Monday told the press that 53 Romanian pupils were exposed to the two British pupils diagnosed with the A-H1N1 virus, adding they are monitored by the local Public Health Department.

Dutch EU Affairs Minister Upholds Further EC Monitoring On Romania, Bulgaria

Dutch Minister of European Affairs, Frans Timmermans, said he does not want the European Commission to activate the safeguard clause against Bulgaria and Romania, adding he only wants the monitoring process of two countries to continue, informed.

Romanian Pres Calls For Concrete Actions To Lift EC Monitoring In Justice Sys

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Tuesday told the high officials attending the debates on the country’s justice system that concrete actions must be taken in order to get the European Commission to stop monitoring the justice system.