mortgage lending

Romanian 1Q Mortgage Loans Demand, Half Of Mid-08 Level

The demand for mortgage loans in Romania was down more than 50% in the first quarter of 2009 compared with mid-2008, when the international crisis’ effects were not yet felt, but the demand is seen reviving this year, UniCredit Tiriac Bank retail director Zoltan Major said.

Romanian Mortgage Lending To Revive In A Year At Most – Bk Assoc Head

Mortgage lending in Romania will revive in less than a year as there is still a market and, in spite of the crisis, clients are still looking to buy property, Romanian Banks’ Association ARB president Radu Ghetea said Thursday.

Romanian Ctrl Bk Mortgage Lending Eased Rules Come Into Force

Romanian banks can accept a higher indebtedness degree for mortgage lending as they will no longer apply the stress test, according to the central bank’s new regulations published Thursday in the Official Gazette.