nationalized houses

Romanian Press Passes Law On Nationalized Houses

Romanian President Traian Basescu Friday passed the law on nationalized houses, initiated by former conservative leader Dan Voiculescu, after saying Monday evening he no longer has any means of going against the normative act.

Romanian President To Pass Law On Nationalized Houses On Friday

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Monday evening on the national television station he will pass on Friday the law on nationalized houses, as he no longer has any means of going against the normative act, and added the Government must closely follow the corrections it can make.

Romanian Const Court Upholds Amendments To Nationalized Houses Law

Romania’s Constitutional Court on Wednesday ruled with majority of votes that the amendments to the Law on nationalized houses are constitutional, rejecting a presidential notification in the matter.

Romanian Homeowners Press For Promotion Of Law On Nationalized House

A few hundreds of homeowners on Thursday rallied in front of the Romanian presidential Cotroceni Palace to press for promotion of the current form of the Law on nationalized houses.

Romanian Deputies Voted Initial Content Of Law On Nationalized Houses

Romanian deputies rejected Wednesday with 117 "pros," 79 "cons" and 28 abstentions the report of the committee for legal matters with the Chamber of Deputies regarding President Traian Basescu’s request to re-examine the law on nationalized houses.

Romanian Pres Urges Lawmakers To Reexamine Controversial Law

Romanian President Traian Basescu urged lawmakers Friday to reexamine the law amending the normative act regarding the buildings seized during the communism regime.