net average salary

Romania Net Average Salary Drops 4.5% on Month in January

The average net salary in Romania fell 4.5% in nominal terms in January compared with December 2019, to 3,189 lei (around EUR662), data from the country's statistics board showed Friday.

Romania Net Average Salary Grows 5.1% on Month in December 2019

The average net salary in Romania grew 5.1% in nominal terms in December 2019 compared with November, to 3,340 lei (around EUR700), mainly due to end of the year bonuses, data from the country's statistics board showed Tuesday.

Romania’s Average Net Salary Drops 0.7% on Month in January

The net average salary in Romania declined 0.7% in January compared with December, to 2,936 lei (around EUR617), after holiday and end of the year performance bonuses granted in December, data from the country's statistics board showed Wednesday.

Romania’s Nov Avg Net Salary Dn 0.7% MM To RON1,366

Romania’s net average salary was 1,366 lei (EUR1=RON4.2062) in November, down 0.7% from October, the National Institute for Statistics said Monday.