no confidence

Romanian Opp Read Out No-Confidence Motion In Parliament

Romania's opposition is reading out a no-confidence motion in Parliament Wednesday, arguing the Government, which sought lawmakers’ vote of confidence to pass the country’s new Labor Code, needs to be overthrown.

Romanian Liberals To File No-Confidence Motion Against An All PDL Govt

Romanian liberal leader Crin Antonescu said Thursday the liberals will follow the manner in which interim ministers are appointed and their views will “probably be expressed in a no-confidence motion” since “the Government lacks Parliament majority”.

Romanian Tourism Min Says Need For Govt Resources Will Keep Social Democrats At Bay

Romanian tourism minster Elena Udrea said in a press conference Tuesday that the social democrats are interested in remaining in power and they will vote for the law packs for which the government intends to take responsibility later in the day.

Romanian Liberals To File No-Confidence Motion Against Govt Activity

Romanian National Liberal Party president Crin Antonescu said Sunday in a press conference that the liberals will file a no-confidence motion after the Government took responsibility for the legal codes, adding the document will refer to the Government’s entire activity.

Romanian Opposition’s No-Confidence Motion To Be Debated Monday

The no-confidence motion "The great PDL-PSD hoax" will be presented Monday in a plenary Parliament meeting and it will be debated and voted Wednesday, according to a decision rendered by the leaders of the two chambers of Parliament.

Romanian PM Calls On Unions Again To Understand 50% Wage Hikes Are Impossible

Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu urged unions again Monday to understand that a 50% wage his would have severe consequences on the economy and accused the leftist opposition of backing wage hikes for electoral purposes alone.