
Romanians Behind On Pension Contributions Risk Penalties

Romanians who fail to pay their pension contributions for three consecutive months may risk contract termination under a draft decision the Labor Ministry has submitted for public debate.

Romanian Employers To Pay Social Security Contributions For Copyright Income – Minister

Romania’s Government will change the applicationnorms for Ordinance 58/2010, regarding social security contributions from copyright, so that the employer, and not the employee, will be required to file the statement and pay the contribution, Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Wednesday.

Romanian Govt Approves Fiscal Code Application Norms

Romania’s Government approved Monday the application norms for recent amendments to the Fiscal Code, which extend the tax pool and introduce social security contributions for income gained from copyright.

Romanian Govt Postpones Adoption Of Fiscal Code Norms For Next Week

Romania’s Government decided Wednesday to delay the adoption of the application norms for recent amendments to the Fiscal Code, which extend the tax pool, and submit them to public debate, with a view to adopting the norms on August 2.

Romanian Govt Adopts Application Norms To Decree Fighting Tax Evasion

Romania’s Government adopted Friday application norms to its recent decree fighting tax evasion.

Romanian Mayors May Keep Staff Above Norms, But Lose Govt Funding

Romanian deputy Prime Minister Dan Nica said Sunday that following talks with local public representatives resulted in the establishment of principles for the decentralization of public administration, including staff norms, which means a reduction in mayoralty staff numbers.

Romanian “First Home” Program Norms Came Into Force Tuesday

The new amendments to Romania's “First Home” program came into force Tuesday evening when the Government decision regarding the norms was published in the Official Journal.

Romanian Farmers May Sell Milk, Eggs In Mkts As Of Feb 1 Only If Registered With Sanitary Auth

Romanian farmers who want to sell food products such as milk and eggs in markets need to be registered with the sanitary veterinary authority and observe hygiene and labeling conditions as of Feb 1, and will be checked in the upcoming period.

Romanian Econ Fin Ministry Publishes New Car Tax Norms

The Romanian ministry of economy and finance published, on its official website, the enforcement norms for the ordinance introducing the pollution tax for cars. The norms present the calculation procedures for the new tax and the tax difference refund.

Romania Pushes For 1yr Delay On Animal Welfare Norms

Romanian authorities will try to convince European Commission to accept a on-year derogation, for 2008, from EU norms on the stunning of pigs before slaughter. Talks are currently unfolding in Brussels.

Romanian Taxi Law Norms Enter Force

The Norms for the application of the Law on taxi driving came into force Monday, when they were published in the Romanian Official Gazette, according to the Romanian Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform.