nuclear plant

Romania Second Nuclear Plant Location Won’t Be Set By Yrend

The location of Romania’s second nuclear power plant will not be set until the end of 2009, Friday said Tudor Serban, state secretary within the Economy Ministry.

Romania’s Second Nuclear Plant To Be Built Nearby Somes River – Sources

Romania’s second nuclear plant will be built nearby Somes river, in Transylvania area, as authorities are currently evaluating four locations, government sources told MEDIAFAX Thursday.

Romania To Build 2nd Nuclear Pwr Plant In Transylvania, Works To Start In Autumn

Romania’s second nuclear power plant will be located in the central part of the country, in Transylvania, and construction works will start in autumn, economy minister Adriean Videanu said Tuesday.

Romanian Auth To Decide In Sept On New Nuclear Pwr Plant’s Location – Econ Min

Romanian authorities will decide on the location of the country's new nuclear power plant in September, also planning to start the project’s development sooner than 2020, as initially scheduled, Economy Minister Adriean Videanu told a news conference Tuesday.