oil prices

Romania Ctrl Bk Needs Lower Oil Prices To Meet Inflation Target

Romania’s central bank is not confident the inflation will enter the target interval too soon, but it counts on a decrease in crude oil prices, governor Mugur Isarescu said Wednesday.

Price Fixing Talks Spark Fiscal Probe At Romanian Oil Cos

Romanian fiscal authorities Wednesday started a series of unannounced inspections targeting the pricing algorithms, taxable profits and accounting methods of oil companies, according to Sorin Blejnar, the president of tax authority ANAF.

Romania’s Petrom Cuts Gasoline, Diesel Oil Prices

Romania’s largest oil company Petrom SA (SNP.RO) cut Monday gasoline prices by 0.05 lei (EUR1=RON3.9151) per liter and diesel oil prices by RON0.06, the company said in a statement.