
Constitutional Court Delays Ruling On Bill Adding Ombudsman Special Pension

Romania’s Constitutional Court decided on Wednesday to postpone for January 30 the ruling on a challenge by President Klaus Iohannis against a bill which adds a special retirement benefits for individuals who serve as the country’s Ombudsman, judicial sources told MEDIAFAX.

President Challenges Bill Adding Special Pension For Ombudsman

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis challenged at the Constitutional Court on Monday a bill which offers the country’s ombudsman special retirement benefits similar to constitutional judges, according the Presidential Administration.

Ombudsman Takes Rest Leave As He Receives Multiple Requests To Challenge Government Decree

Romanian Ombudsman Victor Ciorbea was the target of heavy criticism on Wednesday, after it was revealed that he went on a two-week vacation to the United States without delegating his powers, despite being the sole authority able to challenge a recent government decree to the Constitutional Court.

Szenátus: miniszteri rangot kap az ombudsman

Döntéshozó fórumként fogadta el a szenátus kedden azt a törvényt, amelynek alapján az ombudsman tisztségét miniszteri ranggal ruházza fel, és az annak megfelelő fizetést írja elő a számára.

Források: elutasította az alkotmánybíróság az ombudsman által emelt alkotmányossági kifogást

Az alkotmánybíróság csütörtökön elutasította az ombudsman által a 2001/90-es számú törvény kapcsán emelt alkotmányossági kifogást – ez az a jogszabály, ami megtiltja a büntető előéletű Liviu Dragnea szociáldemokrata pártelnöknek (PSD), hogy kormányfő lehessen.

Avocatul Poporului: Ombudsman-ul din Norvegia a transmis că nu sunt acum motive să investigheze cazul Bodnariu

Ombudsman-ul din Norvegia a transmis Avocatului Poporului că acum nu sunt motive să investigheze cazul Bodnariu, această responsabilitate fiind a Guvernatorului Districtului, precizând că părinţii celor cinci copii au dreptul la un proces echitabil şi la avocat plătit de guvern.

Ombudsmanul european are pe rol o reclamaţie a lui Adrian Severin la adresa Parlamentului European

O reclamaţie a europarlamentarului Adrian Severin la adresa conduitei PE în scandalul izbucnit după publicarea articolului din Sunday Times se află pe rolul ombudsmanului european, acesta cerând, printre altele, acces la birourile sale şi crearea unui organism al PE care să apere eurodeputaţii.

Romania’s Senate Chairman Asks Ombudsman To Challenge Constitutionality Of VAT Hike

Romanian Senate Chairman Mircea Geoana said Friday that he asked the Ombudsman to challenge the constitutionality of the emergency ordinance regulating the value added tax hike, says a press release issued Friday.

Romanian Opp Social Democrats To Challenge Govt’s VAT Hike Decree With Ombudsman

Romania’s opposition Social Democratic Party will challenge with the Ombudsman the Government’s emergency decree that hikes the value added tax (VAT) from 19% to 24%, Adrian Nastase, head of the party’s national council, said Monday.

Romanian Ombudsman: Imposing Ten-Day Unpaid Vacation Mandatory Only If Set By Law

Romania’s Ombudsman, Ioan Muraru, on Tuesday said that imposing ten-day unpaid vacation for all state employees will be mandatory from the legal viewpoint only if it is set by a law adopted by the Parliament or by Government Ordinance, in accordance with the Constitution.

Romania Pension-Wage Decree Restricts Right To Labor, Pension- Constitutional Court

Romania’s Constitutional Court said the interdictions and obligations imposed by Government Emergency Ordinance 230/2008 restricts both the right to pension, stipulated at article 47, section (2) of the Constitution of Romania, and the right to labor stipulated at article 41 of the fundamental law.