
Romania Overdue Pays On Loans Above RON20,000 Rise To RON14.6B In Sept

Romanian overdue payments on loans of at least 20,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.287) more than doubled to RON14.6 billion in September compared with the year-ago month, central bank data showed Monday.

Romania Oct Late Payments On Loans Topping RON20,000M At RON6.8B

Romanian overdue payments for loans worth at least 20,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2141) rose 9.9% on the month to RON6.8 billion in October, central bank data showed Monday.

Number Of Romanian Bad Loan Payers Exceeded 600,000 Persons In Jun

The number of bad loan payers with loans overdue by more than 30 days exceeded 600,000 persons in June, according to the data of the Credit Bureau published by the central bank.