overdue loans

Romania Overdue Loan Payments Double To RON15B In Dec ‘10

Romanian overdue payments on loans worth at least 20,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2485) rose to RON15.07 billion in December 2010, more than double on the year, central bank data showed Monday.

Romania Nov Overdue Loans Up 3.1% On Month To RON16.4B

Romanian non-government overdue loans rose 3.1% on the month to 16.4 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2871) in November, central bank data showed Tuesday.

Romania August Overdue Loans Rise 6.9% On Month To RON14.4B

Romanian non-government overdue loans rose 6.9% on the month to 14.4 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2455) in August, and were more than double compared with the year earlier period, central bank data showed Friday.

Romania 30-Day Overdue Household Loans Up 40% YY In Jan-April

Romanian household payments overdue by more than 30 days for loans worth at least 20,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.281) rose by 40.4% on the year to RON3.98 billion in the first four months, central bank data showed Tuesday.

Romania Feb Overdue Loans Up 5.3% MM To RON9.24B

Romanian overdue non-government loans rose 5.34% on the month to 9.24 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.0716) in February, central bank data showed Wednesday.

Romania January Late Pays On Euro Household Loans Top RON1B

Romanian household payments for euro-denominated loans overdue by more than 30 days rose 17.8% on the month to 1.024 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.0923) in January, central bank data showed.

Romania Nov Overdue Loans Up 11.5% MM To RON8B

Romanian non-government overdue loans rose 11.5% on the month to 8 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2099) in November, central bank data showed Tuesday.

Romania Sept Overdue Loans Up 4.3% MM To RON6.51B

Romanian overdue loans rose 4.3% on the month to 6.51 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2877) in September, but were more than triple compared with the same month of 2008, central bank data showed Monday.

Romania Late Payments On Loans Topping RON20,000M Up 4.45% In July

Romanian overdue payments for loans worth at least 20,000 lei (EUR1-RON4.2434) amounted to RON6.076 billion end July, up 4.45% on the month, central bank data showed Monday.

No Of Romanians With Overdue Retail Loans Exceeding 30 Days Up 48% YY In May

The number of Romanians with retail loans overdue by more than 30 days rose by 200,000, or 47.7% on the year in May, at around 600,000 people, while overdue loans exceeding 90 days represent 82.4% of the total late payments, of 1.73 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2138), according to central bank data.

Romanian Overdue Loans Up 20.5% M-M In Feb

Romanian non-performing loans rose 20.5% on the month in February to 4.25 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2484), according to central bank data released Friday.