
Romania Lower House Moves Fwd On Bill Forcing Alcohol Abusers To Pay For Medical Services

The health committee in Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Wednesday approved unanimously a bill setting that people who require medical attention over voluntary alcohol abuse would have to pay for the medical services, lawmaker Tudor Ciuhodaru said.

Romania’s 2010 Healthcare Frame Contract Leaves Out Article On Family Pharmacies

The initiative to organize family pharmacies meant to serve only chronically ill patients will no longer be included in the frame contract on medical assistance in 2010, which will be approved by the Romanian government in its weekly meeting on Wednesday.

Romania’s Health Min Regulates Ambulance Transport Services To End Abuse

Romania’s Health Minister Cseke Attila Tuesday signed a decree regulating the way patients who are not critically ill are transported from one hospital to another, following cases when certain ambulance services overcharged healthcare units.

Romania Registered No Deaths Over AH1N1 Virus, But Reported 6 Severe Cases – Official

Romania hasn't registered any deaths because of the AH1N1 flu virus so far, but six severe infection cases were registered and the patients are on life support, Health Ministry state secretary Adrian Streinu-Cercel told a news conference Wednesday.

Patients To Have Representatives In Romanian Doctors College

The National Council of the Romanian Doctors College (CMR) on Friday decided that patients will be represented in the special committees of the institution, according to a press release sent on Sunday.

Romanian AH1N1 Flu Patients Are OK, May Be Released From Hospital Anytime

The Romanians infected with the AH1N1 flu virus and hospitalized at the ‘Matei Bals’ infectious diseases hospital are feeling fine and are under medical supervision, but may be released anytime, hospital manager Adrian Streinu Cercel said Friday.

Romania Health Min Unveils Mandatory Hospitalization Measures As Of March 16

Romania’s health minister Ion Bazac on Sunday said the hospitalization of patients in critical condition becomes a “must” as of March 16, upon the coming into effect of the order of the Health Ministry completing the norms on the management, organization and functioning of emergency rooms (ERs).