
Government: Workers To Have Easier Access To Additional Pensions

Romania’s Government will pass during Friday’s cabinet meeting a bill which streamlines the process of gaining and keeping the right to additional pensions for retiring workers, according to Prime Minister Viorica Dancila.

Romanian Lower House Will Re-Read Bill On Pension Health Insurance Contributions – PM

Romania's ruling coalition still supports requiring health insurance contributions from pensions higher than 740 lei (EUR174) and the ordinance introducing this measure will be sent back to the committee for labor by the Chamber of Deputies plenum, said Prime Minister Emil Boc.

Romanian Lower House Committee Rejects Bills Reducing VAT On Basic Foods, Taxes On Low Pensions

The committee for budget and finances in the Romanian Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday rejected a bill reducing VAT on basic foods to 5%, as well as another making pensions lower than 2,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.1147) tax-exempt.

Romanian Govt Ups Justice Min Budget To Cover Pension Costs

Romania's Government has increased the budgets of the Ministry of Justice, Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE) and Special Telecommunications Service (STS) by more than 35 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1902), to cover the higher pension fund contribution rates.

Romanian Govt Considers Social Health Insurance Contributions From Pensioners

Romanian President Traian Basescu and the ruling coalition discussed on Monday whether pensioners should contribute to the social health insurance fund, says daily newspaper "Gandul".

Romania Meets 9-Mo Fiscal Targets, IMF Delegation To Discuss Pension Bill – IMF Official

Romania has met its main nine month fiscal targets, and the International Monetary Fund delegation, coming to Bucharest in October for a new evaluation of the agreement, will assess the impact of sending the pension bill back to Parliament, said Romania's representative to the IMF, Mihai Tanasescu.

IMF Says Romania Forced To Hike Taxes If Pension, Wage Cuts Prove Ineffective- Senate Chairman

Romanian Senate Chairman Mircea Geoana stated Sunday that the International Monetary Fund experts “clearly” said the Romanian Government will have to increase taxes if planned salary and pension cuts prove ineffective in point of slashing public spending and implicitly, reducing the budget deficit.

Romanian Unionists Boo PM, Call For His Resignation Over Pension, Wage Laws

Romanian unionists protesting outside the government headquarters Friday booed and threw snowballs at Prime Minister Emil Boc, whom they asked to resign from the headship of the Government, dissatisfied with the Executive's planned pension reform and unitary wage law.

Romanian Ban On Pension-Wage Cumulus May Be Lifted On Jan 1, ‘11

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Wednesday in the Senate labor committee that the ban on the pension – wage cumulus may be lifted on January 1, 2011, adding this measure “was not imposed forever”.

Romanian Draft Unitary Public Pension Law Establishes Individual Categories, Contribution Levels

Romanian individuals with an annual income worth more than four average gross wages, including those with income from copyright, civil agreements or collaboration contracts, will have to pay social security contributions, according to the draft unitary pension law, up for public debate.

Romanian Government Takes New Shot At Pushing Pension Law In Parliament

Romanian interim Prime Minister Emil Boc asked the Senate Tuesday to amend the law organizing the Government so that the dismissed Cabinet can enact the state budget for 2010 as well as the draft laws on fiscal liability and the unitary pension system, parts of the agreements concluded with the IMF.

Romanian Senate Votes To Exempt People With Accentuated Or Severe Disability From Pension Tax

Romanian senators adopted Tuesday a legislative proposition stipulating that people with accentuated or severe disability should be exempt from paying income taxes on their pensions.

Romania’s Social Democratic Party Rejects Retirement Age Increase For Women

Social democrat leader Mircea Geoana said Saturday during a visit in Zalau, northwestern Romania, his party does not agree with increasing retirement age for Romanian women as the latter face tougher life conditions than women elsewhere in the European Union.

Govt Can Pay Wages, Pensions Without Delays By End ’09 – Romanian PM

The Romanian Government can pay wages, pensions and social aid until the end of the year without delays, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday on Realitatea TV channel.

Romanian Pensioners Face 15-Day Deadline In Pension-Wage Choice

Romanian pensioners that are working in the public sector will have to choose between suspending pension while they are still employed and ceasing work, if the pension is higher than the gross average salary.

Romanian PM Wants Govt To Assume Responsibility For Laws On Wages, Pensions, Education

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Thursday said on the public radio he wants the Government to assume responsibility for the unitary wage law in the budget sector, the law on pensions and on education, adding the Constitution doesn’t limit such initiatives.

Some Pensions May Be Lower Under New Romanian Public Pension System – PM

Every Romanian will receive a pension computed according to their personal contribution to the public system, with no privileges and on the basis of a principle of equality and balance before law, which could leave some pensions lower than they are now, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Romanian Government Approved Unitary Pension Law Principles

The Romanian Government has approved the principles which will be the base of the new unitary public pension system, deciding that the principle of mandatory occupational pensions be regulated by the Private Pension Supervision Commission (CSPP).

Romanian PM Adviser Names Categories Allowed To Have Pension-Wage Cumulus

The ceiling equal to the average gross wage which bans cumulating pensions and salaries in the public sector will not be applicable to people appointed to public offices, said prime ministerial adviser Mihai Seitan Thursday.

Romania’s Pension Sys Is Vulnerable To Political Pressures – WB

The lack of clear regulations for pension adjustments makes the system very vulnerable to political pressures, rising thus the uncertainty on Romania’s fiscal perspectives, but also the participants’ insecurity, a World Bank report said.

Romanian Govt Introduces Guaranteed Minimum Pension Of RON300 As Of April 1, ‘09

Pensioners will have the right to a guaranteed minimum social pension of 300 lei (EUR1=RON4.2950) as of April 2009, and of RON350 from October, the Romanian government decided by an emergency ordinance in Wednesday meeting.

Embassies Ask Romanian PM To Raise Pvt Pension Contribution At 2.5% This Yr

Five diplomats of the countries dominating the private pension market in Romania, with a market share of over 80%, asked prime minister Emil Boc to reconsider the decision to freeze the level of contributions to private pensions, as the 2% level would have long term effects on future pensioners.

Romanian Govt To Keep Decree Banning Cumulated Public Sector Pension, Wage – PM

The Romanian government keeps and backs the decree it passed, banning pensioners working in the public sector from receiving both pensions and wages, actors, teachers and social assistants may continue to work based on a civil convention, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.

Romanian Govt Postpones Labor Group I, II Pension Hikes

The Romanian Government decided, through an emergency ordinance, to postpone the application of the law increasing the pensions for labor groups I and II, promulgated by President Traian Basescu after the normative act was challenged by the Executive in the Constitutional Court.

Romanian Govt Oks Pension Hike As Of Oct 1 – Sources

The Romanian Government decided Thursday to increase the value of the pension point by 20%, to 697.5 lei (EUR1=RON3.6897) from RON581.3 as of October 1, one month earlier than the initial date, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Econ Fin Min Says Pension Hike Was One-Off Deal

Romanian pensions will reach, after the increase in January 2009, sucha high level that any other addition, aside from the indexing in correlations with the average salary, will not be sustainable from a budget perspective, said economy and finance minister Varujan Vosganian.