pension funds

Romanian Labor Min Says Pvt Pension Funds Should Take Higher Investment Risks

Romanian private pension funds should take more risks, Labor Minsiter Ioan Botis said Thursday at the Mediafax Talks about Private Pensions conference, adding different risk levels would ensure a more efficient asset management.

Romanian Pvt Pension Funds Lack Enough Liquidity For Long-Term Investments

Private pension funds in Romania don’t have enough liquidity yet to invest in long-term treasuries and prefer short-term investments, Bogdan Dragoi, state secretary with the Finance Ministry, said Tuesday.

Romania’s Pvt Pension Funds Assets Up 11.6% End- Mar, To RON1.31B

Romania’s private pension funds net assets, operating the mandatory and facultative segments, reached 1.31 billion lei (EUR1= RON4.1549) at the end of March, up 11.6% compared with end-February, according to the Surveillance Commission of the Private Pensions System CSSPP.