
Romanian Pensioners, War Veterans Have Until End-2012 To Get Travel Smart Cards

The Romanian Government on Thursday decided to extend by one year, until end-2012, the deadline by which pensioners and war veterans will have to obtain travel smart cards, for use in county and inter-county road transport.

Romanian Pensioners To Sue Govt At ECHR For Violating Pension Law

Romanian pensioners will sue the Government at the European Court of Human rights (ECHR) for violating the pension law, and will stage ample protests if authorities tax pensions, National Federation of Romanian Pensioners president Preda Nedelcu said Tuesday.

Romanian Govt OKs Program Providing Pensioners With Cheap Food Products

Romania’s Government on Wednesday approved, through a decision, the “solidarity basket” program aimed to sell food products at a discount to pensioners, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romania To Provide Pensioners With Basic Food Products For Lowest Price Each Month

The Romanian "solidarity basket" program, approved by the Government, will provide pensioners each month with a package comprising basic food products, like flour, sugar, oil, corn and rice, for the "lowest price possible."

Around 70 Romanian Pensioners Protest In Bucharest

Around 70 Romanian pensioners are protesting in Bucharest, outside the headquarters of ruling party PDL and the Ministries of Labor and of Health, demanding a higher pension point, the elimination of co-payment in healthcare and of the 5.5% health insurance contribution.

Romanian Pensioners To Use Travel Smart Cards – Govt Decision

Romanian pensioners and war veterans will be issued travel smart cards, for use in county and inter-county road transport, and transport firms will be required to outfit their vehicles with card readers, as per a Government Decision issued Wednesday.

Romanian Pensioners To Receive Smart Cards For Discounted Long-Distance Travel

Romanian pensioners and war veterans will be issued travel smart cards, for use in county and inter-county road transport, and transport firms will be required to outfit their vehicles with card readers, according to a draft ordinance by the Ministry of Transport.

Romanian Pensioners On Low Income Won’t Pay Health Insurance Contributions In 2011

Romanian pensioners on a monthly income lower than 740 lei (EUR1=RON4.2580) will not pay health insurance contributions this year, National Health Insurance House president Lucian Duta said Sunday.

Taxes On Pensions To Fund Medicine, Hospitals – Romania’s Health Min

Romania’s Health Minister Atilla Cseke said Tuesday that the 1.4 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.3006) to be collected from social health insurance contributions on pensions will be used to cover the costs of compensated medicine and finance hospitals.

Romania To Widen Health Insurance Tax Base To Pensioners Earning At Least RON740

The Romanian Government decided that pensioners whose monthly income is at least 740 lei (EUR1=RON4.3110) should pay contributions to public health insurance, which enlarges the taxation base by 2 million people, Health Minister Attila Cseke said Monday.

Romania’s Decision To Reduce Pensions Meant To Avoid Short-Term Collapse, Problems Not Solved

Romanian presidential adviser Sebastian Lazaroiu said Wednesday, during debates on the country’s pension system, that the authorities’ decision to reduce pensions by 15% is meant to maintain balance and avoid a short-term collapse, adding the measure does not solve pension system problems.

Romania To Cut By 15% Benefits For People Assisting First-Degree Disability Pensioners

Romania’s Government decided to reduce by 15%, as of June, 2010, the benefits granted to people having in care pensioners with first-degree disability, and also discarded the financial aid granted to teachers for the purchase of books.

Romania Govt Mulls Scrapping Public Transport Senior Discounts, Reducing Scholarships

The Romanian Government is considering eliminating senior discounts for public road and railway transport, reducing scholarships for students, performance allowances and life annuities, and also eliminating the financial aid granted for the purchase of textbooks.

Romanian Pensioners Picket Presidential Palace, Call On President To Resign Over Austerity Plan

Over 500 Romanian pensioners are picketing the presidential palace in Bucharest Wednesday and call on the president to resign over highly unpopular austerity measures he announced last week.

Romanian Pensioners To Stage Countrywide Protest Wednesday

Romania’s National Pensioners’ Federation will protest a planned 15% pension cut Wednesday in front of the presidential palace in capital Bucharest and outside prefects’ offices countrywide, federation leader Preda Nedelcu said Friday.

Over 200 Romanian Pensioners Picket Govt HQ Displeased With New Pension Law

Over 200 pensioners are protesting Friday outside the government building and the country’s prefects’ offices, displeased with the pension reform, the co-payment system for healthcare and the reduction in the number of treatment vouchers.

Romanian Pensioners To Picket Govt On March 26 Over Pension Law

Romanian pensioners said Thursday they will picket the Government and the country’s prefects' offices on March 26, displeased with the pension reform, the co-payment system for healthcare and the reduction in the number of treatment vouchers.

Romanian Pensioners Threaten Protests If Pension Law Goes Through Unamended

Romanian pensioners affiliated to several union federations Wednesday submitted to the Senate an amendment to the draft pension law, urging an increase of the pension point to 45% of the average gross salary, and threatened to protest if the bill becomes law in its current format.

Romanian Retirees Want Pension Point Set At 45% Of Average Gross Wage

The Alliance of Romanian Pensioners (APR) Friday urged the Government and the country’s lawmakers to set the pension point at 45% of the average gross wage.

Romania Interim Labor Min: Pensions’ Hike In Ratio With Inflation Is Good News For Retirees

Romania’s interim Labor Minister Gheorghe Pogea on Friday said retirees should not be displeased that their pensions will be increased in ratio with the inflation rate, stressing this is to their own benefit, as inflation remains a certainty for many years to come.

Romanian Pensioners Face 15-Day Deadline In Pension-Wage Choice

Romanian pensioners that are working in the public sector will have to choose between suspending pension while they are still employed and ceasing work, if the pension is higher than the gross average salary.

Nearly 200 Romanian Pensioners Picket Government HQ

Nearly 200 pensioners picket Thursday the headquarters of the Romanian government protesting to the fact that the pension point will no longer be 45% of the gross average wage as of April.

Romanian Pensioners Urge Amendments To Pension-Wage Decree

Romanian pensioners urged the government to enforce Law 250/2007 setting the pension point at 45% of the average gross wage, arguing government decree 230/2008 banning the cumulation of pensions and salaries for state employees, should be applied only for pensions above 3,000 lei (EUR1=RON 4.2772).

Romanian Govt Argues Decree Banning Cumulated Public Sector Pension, Wage Is Constitutional

The decree suspending pension payments for pensioners working in the public sector complies with a Constitutional Court decision that states lawmakers can outlaw the cumulation of both pension and salary if the measure is applied indiscriminately, the Romanian government said.

Romanian Pensioners Queued All Night For Spa Tickets

Hundreds of Romanian pensioners queued since Monday night in front of the Pension House in Craiova, southern Romania, and in Cluj, northwestern Romania, in order to submit applications for tickets to spa resorts for next year.

Romanian Pensioners Might Be Compensated For Unused Train Tickets

Romania’s Labor Ministry might compensate pensioners for unused train tickets, according to a draft decision subject to public debate.

Over 100 Pensioners, Party Members Protested At Govt HQ

Over 100 pensioners and members of the People’s and Social Protection Party, or PPPS, protested Wednesday at the government’s headquarters, with pensioners demanding a hike in the pension point of up to 60% of wages and party members promising to approve the hike if voted into the government.