
Romanian Chemical Plants Asks Govt To Extend Gas Incentive

Romania's federation of employers in the chemical and petrochemical industry (FEPACHIM) and and unions in the industry (FSLCP) will protest in the next two days in front of the Government and the Economy Ministry headquarters, asking for further incentives in granting locally-produced natural gas to some companies.

Romanian Unionists To Picket Health Ministry Thursday, More Protests Forthcoming

Around 200 members of the Romanian “Sanitas” Federation of healthcare unions will picket the headquarters of the Health Ministry on Thursday, in protest to salary cuts and problems with the decentralization process.

Hundreds Picket Romania’s Presidential Palace Over Austerity Measures

Over 600 people are picketing the presidential palace in Bucharest Friday calling on the president not to endorse the Government’s austerity measures, which they say “sentence workers, children and pensioners to death by starvation.”

Romanian Pensioners Picket Presidential Palace, Call On President To Resign Over Austerity Plan

Over 500 Romanian pensioners are picketing the presidential palace in Bucharest Wednesday and call on the president to resign over highly unpopular austerity measures he announced last week.

Romanian Parliament HQ Picketed By 100 Education Unionists

One hundred members of two Romanian education unions picketed Parliament headquarters Tuesday to express dissatisfaction with the salary cuts announced after IMF negotiations and with the draft education law.

Romanian Farmers Picket Govt HQ Tuesday Calling For Subsidies, EU Funds

Over 1,200 Romanian farmers picket Tuesday for two hours the Government’s headquarters, calling for payment of overdue subsidies, lower excises on fuel used in farming and access to EU funds.

Around 200 Romanian Public Servants Picketed Govt HQ

Around 200 Romanian public servants picketed the Government headquarters on Thursday, demanding their right to collective bargaining and the collective labor contract be respected.

Over 1,000 Prison Sys Employees Picket Romanian Justice Ministry

Over one thousand employees in Romania’s prison system picketed the headquarters of the Justice Ministry Wednesday, dressed in their uniforms, and called for the resignation of justice minister Catalin Predoiu and the management of the National Administration of Penitentiaries.

Romanian Health System Union Sanitas Threatens To Picket Ministry HQ, Citing Insufficient Salaries

Romanian health system employees threaten to picket the Health Ministry’s headquarters on July 14, unhappy with the fact that wages in the system will not be covered until the end of the year, Sanitas union federation vice-president Adrian Barea told MEDIAFAX on Monday.

Romanian Clerks Picket Justice Ministry Headquarters

Around 400 members of the Romanian “Projust” workers’ union picketed on Monday the headquarters of the Justice Ministry, unhappy with the draft law on the wages of court auxiliary staff.

Romanian Public Servants Picketed Govt HQ

Members of Romania’s National Union of Public Servants (SNFP) picketed the Government for two hours on Thursday, demanding a 50% wage hike and legal protection for control institutions’ employees.