
Liberals Announce Close Race With Ruling Party In Nationwide Poll

The chairman of Romania’s Liberal Party, Ludovic Orban, announced on Sunday that the group is tracking the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) only by 3% in large nationwide poll, recovering a difference of nearly 40% following the 2016 parliamentary election loss.

Poll: 2018 Was Hard for Recruiting – 29 Interviews to One Hire

Nearly nine out of ten companies had a tougher time finding suitable employees in 2018 compared with previous years, interviewing an average 29 candidates before hiring one person, a poll by HappyRecruiter showed Thursday.

GfK: Nearly Half of Romanians Want to Get Loans in Next 6 Months

Around 44% of Romanians intend to get a loan in the next six months and just 8% are completely certain they won't resort to this financing option, according to a poll by GfK, ordered by International Personal Finance which owns Provident Financial Romania.

COMENTARIU: Tot înainte spre turul al doilea!

Victor Ponta şi Klaus Iohannis merg mai departe în scrutinul prezidenţial, de aici încolo confruntarea fiind deschisă oricărui rezultat, pentru că între cei doi nu se va consemna o diferenţă suficient de liniştitoare pentru câştigătorul de etapă, actualul premier şi preşedinte al PSD.

About 70% Of Romanians Believe Corruption Increased In Romania Last Year – Poll

About two thirds (67%) of Romanians consider that corruption in the country increased in 2011, 6% believe it decreased and 26% say the level of corruption remained unchanged, according to a survey conducted at the request of the Association Implementing Democracy.

Over 90% Of Romanians Aged 16 To 24 Navigate The Internet – Poll

Over 90% of Romanians aged between 16 and 24 and those with higher education use the Internet, according to a survey conducted by market research company 360insights.

Romanians Highly Dissatisfied With Public Healthcare Services – Poll

Romanians are highly discontented with the Romanian healthcare system and the way it is managed, according to a research conducted by IRIS Network in 28 countries.

Most Urban Romanians Remain Wary Of Large Acquisitions – Poll

A recent poll by Romanian research firm ISRA Center Marketing Research shows that only a handful of Romanians in urban areas plan to buy a home or a car within the next 12 months.

About 70% Of Romanians Would Rather Buy A Home Than Pay Rent – Poll

About 70% of Romanians would rather buy a home than rent one and most prefer three-room apartments, but nearly half of them can only afford a down payment of less than EUR10,000 for a home, according to a poll by property website imobiliare.ro.

About 35% Of Romanians To Spend Up To EUR500 On Holidays In 2011

About 35% of Romanians polled by website ivox.ro said they can spend EUR300 to EUR500 this year on holidays, while 19.37% said their 2011 holiday budget ranges between EUR500 and EUR1,000.

Over Half Of Romanians See Their Financial Situation Worsening In 2011 – Poll

More than half of Romanians expect their financial situation to worsen in the upcoming period and two thirds don’t plan to buy anything important for their home in 2011, according to the Consumer Confidence Barometer GfK conducted in December for the EU.

Analysts See Romania’s 2010 CPI At 7.9%-8%

Romania’s annual inflation rate reached 7.9%-8% at the end of December, following the sales tax raise in July, economic analysts said, and the central bank missed its target for the fourth consecutive year in 2010.

Romanians Save Only 7% Of Monthly Income, Few Have Life Insurance – Poll

Romanians save only 7% of their monthly income, the lowest level registered among the ten states included in a research conducted by insurer ING Asigurari de Viata.

No. Of Romanian Private Sector Employees Dn 5% in Sept 2010, Wages Up 9% – Survey

The average number of employees in the Romanian private sector decreased by 5% in September 2010 compared to the same month last year, and employees’ average salary income was up 9%, according to a survey conducted by staff management company PayLogic.

Over 60% Of Romanians Would Send Their Children To Study Abroad – Poll

Over 60% of Romanians would send their children to study abroad, according to a research conducted by the Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategies.

Analysts See Big Surge In Romania’s July Inflation After VAT Hike

Romanian annual inflation is expected to accelerate considerably in July, pushed by a five-percentage-point increase in the value added tax level, analysts said Monday.

Most Romanian SMEs Believe Crisis Will Reach Peak This Year – Poll

Most heads of Romanian small and medium enterprises believe the crisis will reach its peak this year, while a quarter of company officials questioned in a poll by the SME Council expect the peak to happen in 2011.

Over 68% Of Retailers In Romania Up Prices Following VAT Hike – Survey

Over 68% of retailers in Romania have decided to increase prices following the Government’s decision to raise the value added tax to 24% from 19%, while only 31.71% said they are keeping prices unchanged, according to a survey released Tuesday.

Romanian Church Ranks First In Income Tax Redirection Ranking

Almost one third of the Romanians who redirected 2% of their income tax to a non-profit organization last year gave to the Church or church foundations, while 10% chose Save the Children or the state-run emergency service SMURD, said a poll by market research company GfK released Monday.

Three Quarters Of Romanians Wouldn’t Give Bribe To Get A Job – Poll

Three quarters of Romanians would refuse to bribe anyone to get a job and 17% would be willing to pay to get a job they consider good, according to a poll conducted by recruitment website Jobsinro.ro between March 12 and 17.

Some 60% Of Romanians Believe They Are Worse Off Financially Compared To Early 2009

Romanians believe that their financial situation this year and the current outlook are worse than those in the beginning of 2009, while the percentage of those who said they are worse off financially climbed close to 60% in February, according to a poll conducted by GfK Romania.

Half Of Romanians Say Prices Of Food, Non-Food Products Went Up During Crisis – Poll

Nearly half of Romanians believe prices of food and non-food products went up during the economic crisis, over 40% of Romanians believe prices remained unchanged, while 46% of them said they noticed a wider range of consumer sales promotions, according to market research agency Mercury Research.

About 57% Romanians Polled In Dec Believe Their Financial Situation Worsened Since ‘08

In December 2009, about 57% of Romanians considered their family’s financial situation worsened since December 2008, and 30% of them believed their financial perspective would get even worse, according to a survey conducted by market research company GfK Romania.

Half Of Romanians Have Lower Income, More Than Half To Avoid Risky Investments – Poll

Almost half of Romanians say the economic crisis has had a negative impact on their income and expect things will not change in the future, while two thirds of them say they will avoid risky investments, according to a poll conducted by research company Unlock Market Research.

Most Romanians Would Seek Doctors, Avoid Vaccine, In Case Of AH1N1 Virus Infection

Most Romanians are prepared to go to the doctor at the first symptoms of flu, but less than half of them want to get vaccines against the AH1N1 virus, saying they do not trust the new vaccine because it is insufficiently tested or they don’t see the flu as a real threat.

Romanians Are More Interested In Bank Card Design Than Security – MasterCard

Romania’s bank card market has a high development potential as only half the country’s population has cards, but Romanians are more interested in what their card looks like than how safe it is, said Wednesday Denisa Mateescu, head of MasterCard Europe Romania.

Romanians Deem Saving Important, 60% Have No Funds Saved – Survey

Around 83% of Romanians respondents to an IMAS International survey say that saving is important, but over 60% of participants have not saved money so far, and do not expect an improvement in the next five years.

Half Of Romanians Unhappy With Education Sys – Poll

Half of Romanians are unhappy with the country’s education system, about 40% are neutral and only 13% said they are satisfied with the way things are, according to a poll conducted by market research company GfK Romania.

Romanians Believe The Government Pays Insufficient Attention To Their Econ Issues – Poll

Romanians believe their government is not paying enough attention to their economic situations, are not convinced their lives are better in a market economy, look favorably on the EU and the energy cooperation with Russia and are eager to pull the military from Afghanistan, according to a GMF poll.

Romania’s Annual Inflation Seen At 5.1%-5.3% In Aug – Analysts

Romania's annual inflation accelerated to 5.1%-5.3% in August from 5.06% the month before, with the consumer price index seen unchanged or slightly higher on the month, analysts said in a survey Tuesday.

Romanians Think Govt Unable To Fix Economy, Trust Central Bank – Survey

Romanians don’t trust their government to come up with solutions to get the country’s economy back on track but look to the central bank as the only institution that considers their interests, according to a survey by research company GfK.

Romanians Highly Interested In EP Elections – EU Poll

Romanians are among European citizens most interested in the 4-7 June European elections, according to a TNS Opinion survey commissioned by the European Parliament.

Most Romanians Want Felonies Punished With Jail Time

Six out of ten Romanians want felonies to be punished with jail time and think fear of the penalty would discourage felons and current laws don’t stipulate punishments that discourage misdemeanors, according to a poll of Transparency International Romania (TI-Ro).

Half Of Romanian SMEs Seriously Affected By Econ Crisis – Poll

Half of Romanian small and medium-sized firms are seriously and severely affected by the economic and financial crisis, according to a poll conducted in April by the National Council of Private SMEs in Romania.

Two Thirds Of Romanian Employees Fear For Their Jobs Over Crisis – Poll

Two out of three Romanian employees fear for their jobs because of the international financial crisis, and the most concerned are people aged 18 to 25 and those working in agriculture, real estate, telecom, finance and administration, according to a poll conducted by online recruiter NetJobjs.

Romania House Prices Seen Climbing – Ctrl Bk

House prices in Romania will increase in the upcoming months, but estimations regarding the evolution in the second half of the year are less exuberant, which might justify more severe mortgage loans conditions, the country’s central bank said in a poll Wednesday.

Nearly 50% Of Romanian Women Expect Sex On Valentine’s Day – Poll

Nearly every other Romanian woman expects sexual intercourse on Valentine’s Day, but only 36% of the women said they would use modern contraceptives, according to a survey released Wednesday by the Society for Contraceptive and Sexual Education (SECS).

PD a obţinut la europarlamentare 31,5 % din voturi conform CSOP, 32,7 % potrivit CCSB

PD a obţinut la alegerile europarlamentare 31,5% din voturi, conform exit-poll-ului realizat de CSOP şi 32,7 %, conform celui realizat de CCSB.