
Romanian Census To Begin On October 20 With EUR45M Budget

The national census, to be conducted between October 20 and 31, will be the most complex census carried out in Romania after 1989 and the first since the country's accession to the European Union, with a budget of more than EUR45 million for 2011-2014.

Most Urban Romanians Remain Wary Of Large Acquisitions – Poll

A recent poll by Romanian research firm ISRA Center Marketing Research shows that only a handful of Romanians in urban areas plan to buy a home or a car within the next 12 months.

Romania’s Population Decreased By 7,775 People In March 2011

Romania's population decreased by 7,775 people on the month in March 2011, according to data released Wednesday by the National Statistics Institute (INS).

Romania’s Population Expected To Decrease In Next Four Yrs

The Romanian Government estimates Romania’s population will decrease by over 200,000 people in the next four years, to 21.1 million in 2015 from 21.3 million in 2011.

Romania’s Population Decreased By 6,786 People In Feb 2011

Romania's population decreased by 6,786 people on the month in February 2011, according to data released Monday by the National Statistics Institute (INS).

Romania’s Population Decreased By 6,979 People In Dec 2010

Romania's population decreased by 6,979 people on the month in December 2010, according to data released Monday by the National Statistics Institute (INS).

Romania’s Population Decreased By 502 People In September

Romania's population decreased by 502 people in September compared to August, driven by a negative natural growth, according to data released Tuesday by the National Statistics Institute (INS).

Romania’s Population Decreased By 1,157 People In July 2010

Romania's population decreased by 1,157 people on the month in July 2010, driven by a negative natural growth, according to data released Thursday by the National Statistics Institute (INS).

Romania’s Population Decreased By 1,891 People In June 2010

Romania’s population has kept its downward trend and decreased by 1,891 people in June from May, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) said Tuesday.

Romania’s Population At 21.5 Million, World Population Expected To Hit 7 Billion This Year

Romania has 21.5 million inhabitants and the United Nations Organization expects the world’s population to hit seven billion this year, according to data released Friday by Romania’s National Institutive for Statistics.

Romanian Population Decreased By 5,181 People In May 2010

Romania’s population has kept its downward trend and decreased by over 5,000 people on the month in May 2010, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) said Friday.

Romania’s Population Sees Growth In September ’09

Romania's population increased in September 2009, when there was a natural positive evolution, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) said Monday.

Romania’s Population On Upward Trend In July ’09, First Growth In Last 6 Mos – INS

Romania’s population increased in July 2009, for the first time over the past six months, on the backdrop of a positive growth rate, the National Institute of Statistics, or INS, said Tuesday.

Romania To Issue Electronic Identity Cards As Of Feb 1, 2011

Romania’s National Inspectorate for Population Registration (INEP) on Tuesday said electronic identity cards would be issued as of February 1, 2011, according to a legislative amendment published Monday in the Official Journal of Romania.

Romanians’ Gains From Realty Trades May Be Levied 16% Tax

Romanian population’s gains from real estate transactions for commercial purpose may be subject to a 16% tax in the new Fiscal Code, according to Paul Coman, adviser with the National Fiscal Administration Agency ANAF.

Romanian Gas Bills To Be Invoiced In MWh, As Of July 1

The natural gas household bills will be invoiced in megawatts hour as of July 1, replacing the current bills expressed in cubic meters, Romania’s Energy Watchdog ANRE said Thursday.

EBRD Worst Case Scenario Sees Romanian Population At 13M In 2050

Romania’s population might drop to 13.31 million inhabitants before 2050, according to a pessimistic scenario by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, or EBRD, which analyzes the demographic evolution in several states.