
ZF Power Summit ’14, arena de discuţie a celor mai fierbinţi subiecte din energie

Ziarul Financiar continuă dezbaterile despre cele mai fierbinţi subiecte din piaţa energiei alături de invitaţi de marcă, reprezentanţi ai statului, reglementatori, executivi de top şi mari consumatori de energie, într-o nouă ediţie a ZF Power Summit ce va avea loc în 25 -26 februarie în Bucureşti.

IMF Asks Romania To Liberalize Gas, Pwr Production Prices

The International Monetary Fund asked Romania to discard regulated prices for the production of electricity and natural gas and to draw up a new calculation formula in this respect.

Romania Transelectrica Sees Power Consumption Rising 2% In 2011

Romanian power consumption is likely to grow by around 2% to 54.8 TWh in 2011, aided by increase demand in industry, the head of state-run power grid operator Transelectrica (TEL.RO) told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Govt OKs National Power Holdings Setup

The Romanian government approved the reorganization of the energy sector by creating two national power holdings which include almost all the state-owned assets in the field, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Friday.

Romania’s Pwr Consumption Touches Past Years’ High Due To Cold

Romania’s electricity consumption touched Monday night the highest value of the past years, respectively 9,300 megawatts, due to the cold front sweeping the country and taking temperatures below minus 20 degrees Celsius.

Russia To Supply Romania With Power Produced At Moldovan Plant

Russian power group Inter Rao signed an agreement with Moldovan state-owned company Moldelectrica aiming to supply Romania with electric power produced at its Moldavskaya GRES plant in Transdniester, a press release of the Group read.

Rompetrol Rafinare Receives 2-Yr Authorization For Power Supply

Romania’s second-largest oil company Rompetrol Rafinare Constanta (RRC.RO) received on Thursday the authorization from the National Energy Authority, or ANRE, to supply electricity for two years, sources from the company told Mediafax.

Romania Failed To Counteract South Stream Pipeline Constr On Pol Grounds-Patriciu

Romania was not able to counteract, on political grounds, the project for the construction of South Stream gas pipeline, transporting gas from Russia to Europe, Romanian oil tycoon Dinu Patriciu said Wednesday.

Romania’s Econ Min Vosganian Says Gas Prices Up On Jan 1st, Power Prices Not

Economy and Finance Minister Varujan Vosganian said on Thursday that gas prices may be hiked as of January 1, but says power prices will be maintained at the same level, following the connection to the national grid of the second nuclear reactor at Cernavoda power station.