power companies

Romania To Set Up Two National Energy Companies With Similar Mkt Shares – Econ Min

Romanian Economy Minister Adriean Videanu presented Wednesday the structure of the two national power companies that will be set up in 2009, which will have similar market shares, according to the energy sector reorganization plan drawn up by the authorities.

Romania Econ Min To Focus On Selling State-Owned Pwr Cos On Stock Exch

Romania will focus on selling the state-owned power companies on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, instead of selling them to strategic investors, but a listing in 2009 is rather unlikely, Economy Minister state secretary Tudor Serban said Friday.

Romanian Pwr Cos On The Verge Of Bankruptcy – MP

President of Industry Commission within the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, Iulian Iancu, said Tuesday that most of Romanian power companies are on the verge of bankruptcy, being managed by persons who have nothing in common with the energy sector.