price hike

Romania Cigarette Producers Hike Prices By RON0.3/Pack

The top three cigarette producers on the Romanian market hiked cigarette prices by 0.3 lei (EUR1=RON4.2626) per pack this week.

Cigarettes In Romania To Cost RON0.40 More Per Pack As Of Sep 1

The price for a pack of cigarettes will grow in Romania by 0.40 lei (EUR1 = RON4.2238) starting with September 1, once the excise for tobacco is increased by EUR7, from EUR57/1,000 cigarettes to EUR64/1,000 cigarettes, according to the representatives of the main cigarette makers in Romania.

E.ON Gaz Romania, Distrigaz Sud Ask For 10% Gas Price Hike Oct 1

Gas distributors E.ON Gaz Romania, the local unit of Germany's giant E.ON, and Distrigaz Sud, majority-owned by French utility Gaz de France, asked Romanian energy watchdog ANRE to hike natural gas prices for household consumers by some 10% as of October 1, ANRE said Wednesday.