
Romanian PM Calls On Parliament To Set Date For No-Confidence Motion Vote

Romanian Prime Minister asked the Parliament Saturday to set a date for the vote on a no-confidence motion and thus carry on with procedures for the adoption of the education law.

Romanian Labor Min Pushes For Simplified Procedures To Access EU Funds

Romania’s Labor Minister Mihai Seitan on Friday said he wants simplified procedures needed to access European Union funds, especially since the absorption of funds provided via the European Social Fund (ESF) has been stalled too long over the past years.

Romanian State Guarantee System For „First Home” Program To Be Simplified – PM

The Romanian state guarantee system for the “First Home” program will be simplified so that the procedures can only be unrolled through the SMEs National Guarantee Fund and the Finance Ministry, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Romanian Communications Min To Discuss Infringement With Viviane Reding

Romanian communications minister Gabriel Sandu will meet on February 17, in Prague, with European commissioner for information society and media Viviane Reding, to discuss the infringement procedure initiated when Romania breached EU regulations on the independence of its national telecom regulator.

Romanian Constitutional Court Regulates Adoption Procedures

Romania's Constitutional Court noted that eliminating natural parents from their children's adoption procedure is a flaw in the legal system and decided, citing the European Convention on adoptions, that natural parents must give their consent when completing the adoption procedures.