
Romanian PM: Faulty Auctions Can Impair EU Fund Absorption

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Saturday warned that faulty auctions and conflicts of interest among local authorities can impair the absorption of European funds and called for transparency and responsibility.

Romania To Spend Max EUR4M To Advertise Tourism On Foreign TV Channels

Romania's Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism is looking to spend up to EUR4 million, without VAT, to advertise the national tourist brand on foreign TV channels.

Romanian Procurement Watchdog Refuses To Present Files To Parl Inquiry Committee

The parliamentary committee investigating Romanian tourism minister Elena Udrea decided on Tuesday to inform Prime Minister Emil Boc that the president of the Authority for Public Procurement refused to present the file regarding the public procurements made by the Tourism Ministry.

Romanian Govt Eyes Cancelling Controversial Police Car Purchase Contracts

The Romanian Government decided to take legal action in a bid to cancel the contracts concluded, last year, between the Romanian Police and the company Ager Leasing, for the purchase of police cruisers, Government sources told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian PM Confirms Lower Taxes For Appeals To Public Contracts

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc confirmed that the Government has brought a new amendment to the public procurement law, at the request of the European Commission, adding the lack of this revision could have prompted the EU not to acknowledge Romanian legislation and EU fund auctions.

Romanian Deputy PM To Coordinate Public Procurement Law Amendments

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc designed deputy prime minister Dan Nica to lead a working group to amend public procurement laws, to reduce terms and simplify procedures, the Government said Tuesday.

Interim Romanian Police Chief Suspends Procurement Contract Pending Investigation Completion

The interim chief of Romanian Police, Gheorghi Plai, said Friday that procedures have been unfolded for the suspension of the procurement contract targeting police cars, pending the completion of investigations by the National Anticorruption Department.

Romanian Interior Min Asks PM To Sack Police Chief

Romanian interior minister Cristian David asked Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu to dismiss the chief of Romanian Police, Gheorghe Popa, on grounds of faulty management in the unfolding of police car procurement.