
Romania’s New Civil Code To Enter Force On October 1

Romania's new Civil Code, regarding property and non-property relationships between individuals, is to enter force on October 1.

Romanian Public Sector Unitary Wage Grid Won’t Apply In 2011 – Draft

The salaries of Romanian public servants will not be pegged to a wage grid in 2011, the total value of bonuses and compensation may not exceed 30% of their salary and the monthly incentives given to high performers will be capped at two base salaries per year.

Romanian Bks May Face Full-Portfolio Provision Booking On Consumer Loans

Romanian banks could be forced to book provisions for all consumer loans granted should they lose even one lawsuit on the application of the Government Emergency Ordinance 50/2010 regulating loan interest rates, the head of the banks association ARB said Monday.

Stress Tests: Romanian Banking Provisions Up By 38% In 2010

Romanian banking provisions are estimated to increase 38% on the year in 2010, due largely to lower exposure to companies, central bank data showed Wednesday.

Romanian Banks Could Book Lower Provisions For Rescheduled Loans

Romanian lenders might be motivated to refinance or reschedule loans for which they could book lower provisions, if the central bank approves a proposition of the local banking association ARB to change the classification of loans and provisioning regulations.

Romanian SIF Moldova Books RON144M Provisions For ’08 Fincl Yr

Romanian investment fund SIF Moldova (SIF2.RO) booked in 2008 financial year provisions worth 143.6 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2329), due to the decreases in value of the shares it owns.

Romanian Banks To Apply New Foreign Currency Loan Provisions

All banks in Romania will apply, as of Tuesday, increased provisions for loans granted in foreign currency to clients with income in other currencies, according to the director of the Surveillance Department within the Romanian central bank, Nicolae Cinteza.

Romanian Constitutional Court Regulates Adoption Procedures

Romania's Constitutional Court noted that eliminating natural parents from their children's adoption procedure is a flaw in the legal system and decided, citing the European Convention on adoptions, that natural parents must give their consent when completing the adoption procedures.