
Scăderi ale vânzărilor pentru ziarele româneşti, pe timpul verii

Ziarele româneşti au continuat între iulie şi septembrie trendul descendent raportat încă de la începutul anului, cu cifre de vânzări mai mici decât în perioada similară din 2008, tabloidele Click şi Libertatea fiind lideri în topul vânzărilor, urmate de ziarul quality Adevărul, pe poziţia a treia.

Half Of Romanians Unhappy With Education Sys – Poll

Half of Romanians are unhappy with the country’s education system, about 40% are neutral and only 13% said they are satisfied with the way things are, according to a poll conducted by market research company GfK Romania.

Romanian Court Puts Off Ex PM’s Corruption Trial For Jun 16

The trial where Romanian politician Adrian Nastase is a defendant in the case "Construction Quality Trophy" was postponed until June 16, since the lawyers claimed they were unable to find a series of documents in the case files, needed to formulate exceptions, and they couldn’t copy several CDs.

Romanian Transport Min Blasts Transporters For Poor Road Quality

Romanian transport companies are the ones bringing the most damage to roads, and some of them don’t pay road toll, put too much cargo in their trucks and "are the first ones to complain about the bad roads," said transport minister Radu Berceanu in a press conference.

Romanian Hotels Below Quality Standards – Official

The bulk (70%) of Romania’s accommodation facilities is below quality standards, secretary of state Lucia Morariu said Tuesday.