
Fitch Affirms Romania At ‘BB+’; Outlook Stable

Fitch Ratings on Monday affirmed Romania's long-term foreign and local currency issuer default ratings (IDRs) at 'BB+' and 'BBB-' respectively, with stable outlooks, citing the country’s improved external position and sufficient government action to cut the budget deficit.

S&P Raises Romania Outlook To Stable, Citing Budget Reform

Standard&Poor's Ratings Services on Tuesday raised its outlook on Romania to stable from negative, citing budgetary consolidation and expectations that the country would continue to comply with an International Monetary Fund/EU agreement.

ING: Romania Ratings May Be Upgraded On Budget Deficit Cut

Romania’s rating is not likely to be raised sooner than late 2010 or early 2011, and an upgrade may follow only if the fiscal measures agreed with the International Monetary Fund succeed in lowering the budget deficit, according to report of ING Bank.

S&P Says Romania Ratings Unaffected By Coalition Split

Standard & Poor's Ratings Services on Friday said the collapse of the government coalition in Romania has no immediate impact on the sovereign credit ratings.

Romania’s Rating Downgrade Should Not Influence IMF Loan Negotiation

Romania’s rating downgrade to below "investment grade" should not influence the negotiations between the local authorities and the International Monetary Fund on a loan agreement, the National Bank of Romania’s chief economist Valentin Lazea said Wednesday.

Romania Needs Higher Ratings To Access Financing – Econ Min

Romania needs higher ratings to gain access to financing sources and the first step is the state budget which should be “solid,” the country’s Economy Minister Adriean Videanu said Friday.

Fitch Says Global Econ Slump To Hit Romanian Banks

Fitch Ratings agency said Friday in a report that the global financial turmoil has increased the risks for Romanian banks, as banks’ funding will shrink, the cost of funding will rise, which would result in slower economic activities, higher impaired lending and lower profitability.

Fitch Downgrades Five Romanian Banks, Affirms Banca Transilvania

Fitch Ratings has downgraded on Monday five Romanian banks, namely BCR, BRD-GSG, Bancpost, UniCredit Tiriac Bank and Banca Romaneasca and affirmed Banca Transilvania’s rating, following Romania’s sovereign rating downgrade earlier the day, the rating agency announced.