
Romanian President Asks Parliament To Reject Law Banning Natural Gas Exports

Romanian President Traian Basescu has asked the Parliament to reject a bill amending the gas law, whereby domestic production of natural gas is used on the internal market exclusively, until import sources are diversified.

Romanian Senate Rejects Tax Exemption For Pensions Below RON2,000

The Romanian Senate on Monday approved with 62 to 55 votes President Traian Basescu’s request to reexamine the bill whereby pensions lower or equal to 2,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.1065) will be exempt from income tax, after the request was put to the vote again.

Romanian Senate’s Legal Committee Agrees With Reexamination Of More Pension Bill Articles

The Romanian Senate’s committee for legal matters decided Wednesday that more articles of the country’s unitary pension bill will be reexamined, besides the article indicated by President Traian Basescu in his reexamination request.

Romanian President Asks Parliament To Reexamine Law Against Human Trafficking

Romanian President Traian Basescu called on the Parliament to reexamine the law on fighting human trafficking, remarking that because of an aggravating circumstance it implements, the punishment for the trafficking of minors is lighter than in the case of the regular crime.