
Companies Established Outside Romania May Request 2009 VAT Refund By March 31, 2011

The deadline for the submission of VAT refund requests for 2009 by taxable companies, which are not established or registered for this purpose in Romania, has been extended to March 31 next year, from September 30 this year, through a Government Decision.

Romania Might Have Automatic Collectors For Plastic Bottles By End ’09 – Environ Min

Romanian Environment Minister Nicolae Nemirschi said Wednesday that Romania might introduce by the end of the year automatic collectors for recyclable plastic bottles, so that anyone who returns a plastic bottle would get a shopping voucher in exchange.

Romanian Environ Ministry Might Introduce Refund For Plastic Containers Return By End ‘09

Romania’s Environment Ministry might introduce by the end of the year a refund for returning plastic containers, which will be applied in large stores for starters, minister Nicolae Nemirschi said Sunday.

Romanian Finance, Environment Ministries OKed Car Tax Refund Procedure

The procedure to refund the difference between the tripled car pollution tax, valid between December 15, 2008 and February 19, 2009, and the one enforced between July 1 and December 15, 2008, has been approved through an order of the Romanian Ministers of Finance and of the Environment.

Romanian Govt To Refund Full Car Tax Difference Unless Applicant Has Unpaid Fiscal Dues

Owners of vehicles who ask to be refunded the tax difference between the car tax paid by Jul 1, 2008 and the new pollution tax on cars will get full refunds unless they have fiscal debts, otherwise the sums they owe will be retained.