
Romanian Employers Must Create Personal File For Each Employee – Draft

Employers will have to create files for each of their employees and provide copies of the documents within 15 days of the worker's request, says a draft decision of the Romanian Government regarding the general employee registry.

Over Six Million Registered Drivers In Romania, 32 Are More Than 100 Years Old

Over six million people are registered with the Romanian Driving License and Vehicle Registration Department as having driver’s licenses, 32 of whom are more than 100 years old.

Romanian Farmers To Resume Mkt Activities Without Trade Registry Papers

Romanian sheep and goat farmers can continue to sell their products in markets without the need for registration in the Trade Registry as authorized individuals, since agriculture minister Ilie Sarbu decided to amend the Order on the selling of animal origin products.

Romanian Authorized Individuals Have Until Apr 25 ’09 To Declare Themselves Active

Romanian authorized individuals, individual enterprises and family enterprises can choose, until April 25, 2009, to continue commercial activities, otherwise they will be removed from the registry, said the Romanian National Trade Registry (ONRC).

Romania Has 540 Additional Taxes – SMEs

The number of additional taxes collected in Romania reaches 540, some five times more than the number indicated by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, but one third of these taxes can be eliminated because they are not justified, said the representatives of the Council for private SMEs.

Romanian Automotive Registry Explains Handicap Mod Procedure For Cars

Romanian owners of vehicles modified to be used by people with handicaps need to submit with the Romanian Automotive Registry (RAR) a statement of conformity, when the changes are written in the Vehicle’s Identity Card (CIV), and not documents mentioning the degree of invalidity.