
Compania americană Hertz, în insolvenţă. Co-fondatorul unei companii româneşti de închirieri auto spune cum s-a ferit de aceeaşi soartă

„Comportamentul acesta în care în permanenţă încerci să dai bonusuri, să îţi cumperi propriile acţiuni, să îţi umfli practic, uneori artificial, valoarea companiilor listate prin tot felul de mecanisme financiare, dar, de fapt, tu le fragilizezi, eu nu am o opinie prea bună despre asta”, spune Dan Ştefan, co-fondator autonom rent car. Cu siguranţă ai […]

Renta viageră şi celelalte beneficii ale preşedintelui de onoare al FRF Mircea Sandu, anulate de Adunarea Generală

Renta viageră de 50.000 de euro pe an şi celelalte beneficii stabilite, la 5 martie, de Comitetul Executiv al FRF pentru preşedintele de onoare Mircea Sandu au fost anulate de Adunarea Generală extraordinară a federaţiei, care are loc, astăzi, la Casa Fotbalului.

Renta viageră a lui Mircea Sandu a fost redusă

Preşedintele de onoare al FRF, Mircea Sandu, a declarat, joi, într-o conferinţă de presă, că renta viageră anuală pe care o va primi va fi cu 25.000 de euro mai mică decât ce adoptase Comitetul Executiv - 75.000 de euro, precizând că nu va mai avea la dispoziţie maşină de lux şi nici secretară.

Romanian State-Built Home Rent Capped At One Third Of Average Net Wage – Draft

The rent paid for social homes the Romanian state will build in public-private partnership in the next years will cover administrative costs, the property tax and home insurance, and will not exceed one third of average net wage, according to a draft Government decision.

Romanian Police Aircraft Might Be Rented To Individuals, Companies

Romanian police aircraft might be rented to individuals or companies, to supplement the Interior Ministry's "insufficient" budget, says a draft Government decision put up for public debate on Tuesday.

Romanian Govt Amends National Housing Agency Functioning Norms

Romania’s Government adopted Wednesday a decision to amend the norms regulating the functioning of the National Housing Agency, or ANL.

Students Can Pay EUR80 Monthly Rent To Live In Private Student Hostel In Bucharest

Students in Bucharest can pay a monthly rent of EUR80 and live in a student complex of studio flats and apartments located in the western part of Bucharest, in the West Gates neighborhood.

Romanian Interior Ministry Able To Rent Houses For Police Officers, Military Staff

The Romanian Government authorized the Interior Ministry to rent houses for a determined period to police officers and active military employees, as the ministry deals with problems in paying monthly rents.

Romanian National Railroad Company Rents Out Train Station Spaces

Romanian national railroad company CFR SA intends to put up for rent commercial spaces in 12 train stations, including Bucharest North, at starting rents between 0.8 lei (EUR1 = RON4.2156) and RON500 per square meter, VAT excluded, per month, according to the company.

Romanians Rent Flats In Bucharest, Afraid Or Unable To Buy

The number of home renting transactions is growing compared to fall 2007 as people wishing to buy a home have a tough time accessing loans, or are confused by the market’s evolution, thus preferring to rent in the meantime, according to real estate company Coldwell Banker.

Romania’s Ex-President May Use Yard For Free

The Romanian state protocol authority RA-APPS approved the request of the country’s former president Ion Iliescu to have the right to use the yard around his home free of charge, and will be exempt from paying rent.

Romanian Protocol Auth Ups Yard Rent For Ex-President Tenfold – Paper

Romania’s former president Ion Iliescu was notified by the state protocol authority RA-APPS he has to pay a monthly rent of EUR1,000 for his yard, tenfold his current rent, daily "Cotidianul" reported.

Santa Claus For Rent In Romania For RON100 – 350 An Hour

Renting Santas has become a habit for corporate Christmas parties in Romania and business is blooming for companies providing this service, as Santas have been already booked for the holidays.