
Romanian Foster Mother Requests Annulment Of Autistic Child Adoption

A Romanian woman, who in 1999 became the foster mother of a girl she thought healthy, asked Monday that the Romanian Office for Adoptions (ORA) help her annul the adoption of the autistic child, while adoption authorities say this is not possible.

Romanian Businessman Gigi Becali Asks Court To Lift Prohibition To Leave Country

The Court of Romania’s capital Bucharest, district 1, will rule Tuesday on a new request for permission to leave the country submitted by businessman George Becali on June 3.

New Request To Release Steaua Owner From Custody To Be Tried April 21

A Bucharest court will try on April 21 a new request to release Steaua football club owner Gigi Becali on probation, after judges ruled Wednesday that he is to remain in custody awaiting trial on kidnapping charges.