reverse taxation

Romanian Govt OKs Applying Reverse Taxation On Cereal For Two Years

The Romanian Government on Tuesday approved a draft emergency ordinance whereby the country will apply reverse taxation on cereal and plants with industrial use for about two years staring June 1, 2011, after it received approval from the European Union.

Romania To Apply Reverse Taxation On Cereal Starting June 1

Romania will apply reverse taxation on cereal and plants with industrial use for about two years starting June 1, according to a draft emergency ordinance drawn up by the Finance Ministry.

Romanian Agric Min Wants To Convince EC To Allow Reverse Taxation On Food

Romania’s Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara says he is working to get the European Commission to accept reverse taxation on food products, which it rejected earlier this year.

EU Rejects Romania’s Plans To Apply Reverse Taxation On Food

The European Commission has rejected reverse taxation in the food sector, which entails that transaction taxes will be paid by beneficiaries and not by entities that delivered the merchandise, said Thursday Aurel Popescu, head of Romania’s bread industry association Rompan.