
Constitutional Court to Discuss Opposition, Ruling Coalition Constitutional Amendments on July 18

Romania’s Constitutional Court will discuss on July 18 two projects to amend the country’s Constitution, filed by opposition parties and the ruling PSD-ALDE coalition, respectively.

Romanian PM: Next Budget Revision To Give More To Health, Culture, Investments

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said the government will revise the state budget next week at the latest, providing more funds to the ministries of Health, Culture and those running investments in infrastructure.

Romania To Increase Personnel Expenses In Intelligence Services, Defense Ministry

Romania's Government will increase the budgets of the intelligence services and Interior, Defense and Justice ministries by almost 724 million lei (over EUR170 million), for personnel expenses, according to the draft budget revision.

Romania To Increase Ministry Budgets For Investments, Company Debts

Romania's government will increase the budgets of several ministries, in order to finance investments and eliminate debts incurred by state enterprises, but will give less resources to the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Finance, according to the draft budget revision.

Romanian Govt To Revise 2011 Budget In Early August

Romania's Government will conduct this year's first budget adjustment in early August, with priority granted to allotting additional resources for investment programs, especially those run by the Ministry of Transports, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.

Romanian Constitutional Court Objects To Revised Constitution Draft

Romania's Constitutional Court on Friday ruled unconstitutional certain provisions of the draft revised Constitution put forward by President Traian Basescu.

Romanian Draft Constitution: Wealth No Longer Presumed Obtained Legally

The draft revised Romanian Constitution eliminates the stipulation that a person's wealth is presumed to have been acquired through legal means.

Romania’s Draft Constitution: Preventive Detention Extended To 48 Hours

Preventive detention will be extended to 48 hours from 24 hours, according to a bill revising the Romanian Constitution, published Wednesday by the Presidential Administration.

Romania To Revise Budget Revenue Down By RON3.4B

Romania’s Government estimates budget revenue will come in at 165.4 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2404) in 2010, down from an initial projection of RON168.85 billion, due to weaker than expected results in the first half and worsened economic growth prospects.

Romanian Govt Starts Constitution Revision Procedure

Romania’s Government has decided to put forward a draft law for the revision of the Constitution, providing for a single-chamber Parliament and a maximum of 300 MPs, which will be forwarded to the head of state, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Romanian Lawmakers Approve Setting Up Of Constitution Revision Committee

Romanian lawmakers on Tuesday adopted with four abstentions the draft decision on the setting up of a common committee to revise the country’s Constitution.

Romanian President Says Constitution Revision Should Go Beyond Issues Addressed In Referendum

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Monday the country’s Constitution should be revised beyond the questions raised in a national referendum regarding Parliament and should include clearer state power separation limits.

Romanian Lawmakers To Convene For Talks On Constitution Revision Committee Tuesday

Romania's Chamber of Deputies Speaker Roberta Anastase on Monday said she would summon the Parliament’s standing offices Tuesday to discuss the setting up of a committee for the revision of the country's Constitution.

Romanian Govt Performs Second Budget Revision In ’09

The Romanian Government performed Saturday the second budget revision for this year, after the International Monetary Fund agreed to allow a budget gap increase to 7.3% in 2009, from the previous projection of 4.6%, negotiated in March for the agreement concluded by authorities with the IMF.

Budget Revision Ordinance To Be Enacted On Saturday – Romanian PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc told the ministers who attended the weekly meeting of the Government, the ordinance regarding the budget revision will be adopted in the Government meeting held Saturday.

Romanian Liberals Challenge Ordinance On Budget Revision In CC

Romania's Liberal Party (PNL) MP group vice-president Eugen Nicolaescu said Thursday in a press conference that liberals challenged the Law approving the 2009 state budget revision at the Constitutional Court.

Romanian Liberals To Call For No-confidence Vote Over Budget Revision

The president of Romania’s opposition Liberal Party, Crin Antonescu, said Tuesday that liberals decided in the execute council meeting to call for a no-confidence vote in Parliament against the government over the budget revision it operated over the weekend.

Romanian Gov To Cut Funds Of All Ministries, Except Labor

The budget revision the Romanian Government plans for the next period will cut expenses from almost all ministries, mostly from the Agriculture, Defense, Interior and Education Ministries, but will increase the funds of the Labor Ministry.

Romania’s First Budget Revision This Year To Lower Funds For Environment, Tourism, Education

The Romanian government will lower the budgets of several ministries in this year’s first budget revision, but mostly from the Ministries of Environment, Tourism, Educational and Defense, official sources told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Govt To Revise Budget In April Or May

Romania's Government will revise in April or May, for the first time this year, the 2009 budget, after the authorities and the International Monetary Fund agreed upon a budget deficit of 4.6% of the gross domestic product, from 2% of the GDP prior forecast, government sources told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian President Would Prefer A Semi-presidential Regime

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Wednesday that one of his options in the revision of the country’s Constitution would be to instate a semi-presidential regime and clarifications are needed to correlate the president’s legitimacy to the prerogatives he has.

Bucharest Councilors OK RON23.4M Additional Budget Revenues

Bucharest city councilors on Monday approved a budget revision for the Romanian capital, including 23.4 million lei (EUR1-RON3.9305) additional revenues and RON403 million reduced expenses with foreign debts.

Romania’s Govt Approves Third Budget Revision

Romanian Government approved Wednesday the third budget revision in 2008, maintaining the budget deficit at 2.3% and increasing revenues by RON6.4 billion (EUR1=RON3.6690) and expenses by RON7 billion.

Romanian Govt OKs 2nd Budget Revision In ’08

The Romanian government Wednesday approved the second budget deficit revision this year, giving more funds to Transportation, Economy, Defense and Environment Ministries.

Romania’s Govt May OK Second Budget Revision In June

Romania’s government may revise its consolidated state budget for the second time in June and give more funds to its ministries, following better-than-expected revenues in the first quarter of this year, Romanian Finance and Economy Minister Varujan Vosganian said Wednesday.

Romanian Govt Cuts Expenses For Most Ministries

The Romanian government will reduce budgets for nearly all ministries by a total RON2.6 billion (EUR1= RON3.7617) in the year’s first revision of the 2008 state budget.

Romania’s Econ Min To Propose PM Tariceanu To Reduce Budget Expenses By EUR1.1B

Romania’s Economy and Finance Ministry will propose to Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu to cut the expenses by EUR1.1 billion from this year’s budget, without reducing however the budget destined for investments, Finance Minister Varujan Vosganian said Tuesday.

Romanian Govt Postpones Budget Revision For Next Week – Sources

Romanian ministers discussed in the government meeting Monday the draft emergency ordinance on this year's third budget revision, drafted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and decided to postpone the approval of the document for next week, official sources told MEDIAFAX.