
River Plate a retrogradat în liga secundă argentiniană pentru prima oară în istorie

Echipa River Plate, de 44 de ori câştigătoare a campionatului Argentinei, a retrogradat în liga secundă, pentru prima oară în istoria sa de 110 ani, după remiza de pe teren propriu cu Belgrando, în returul barajului de menţinere.

Daniel Passarella: Voi pleca de la River doar mort

Preşedintele clubului River Plate, Daniel Passarella, a declarat că doar mort va pleca de la gruparea argentiniană, care a retrogradat în liga secundă pentru prima oară în istoria de 110 ani, informează Marca.

President Basescu Expected To Arrive In Flood-Hit Neamt County, NE Romania

Romanian President Traian Basescu is expected to arrive Saturday afternoon in northeastern county of Neamt, severely affected by widespread flooding.

Floods Hit Nine Romanian Counties, 109 People Evacuated Over Past 24 Hours

About 20 localities in nine Romanian counties were affected by flooding over the past 24 hours, and 109 people had to be evacuated, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) said Saturday.

Romania Still Under Flood Threat, Evacuations Continue

Romania is still threatened by river floods and authorities continue the evacuation of people from the areas placed under high risk flood alert, after meteorologists extended on Friday flood warnings for rivers in the eastern part of the country.

Danube Waters To Hit Maximum Level In Galati, SE Romania, On Friday

The Danube River Tuesday will exceed the 2006 historical water level in the Romanian southeastern cities of Braila, Galati and Fetesti, and the river’s flow will hit maximum values Friday in Galati, where the water level is expected to reach 687 centimeters.

Code Red For Flood On Romanian River Jiu

City halls in several Romanian cities neighboring the river Jiu received a code red warning on the danger of floods on the lower course of the river, starting with Monday afternoon, until Tuesday at noon, according to the National Administration "Romanian Waters."