
Romanian Defense Minister Supports Iran Nuke Plan If Peaceful

Romanian defense minister Teodor Melescanu told MEDIAFAX that in his meeting with the Ambassador of Iran he stated his opinion that the right to nuclear energy in peaceful purposes needs to be acknowledged for every state, but he proposed the signing of a guarantee agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA.

Alessandra Mussolini Leaves ITS Group Because Of Romanian Far-Right Leader

MEP Alessandra Mussolini, member of Italian party The Social Alternative, announced her withdrawal from the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty (ITS) group within the European Parliament, in response to the "offenses" brought to her family by Corneliu Vadim Tudor, leader of Romania’s far-right Greater Romania Party, ASGMedia reported.

Romania, Second In European Top Of Transition Countries

Romania ranks second in the European top of transition countries in terms of increase in the prices of dwellings, with an annual average rate of 40% during 2004-2006, way above the nearly 6% increase in gross domestic product per capita, according to a report of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, or EBRD.

EU Lawmakers To Debate Italy Outcast Law Monday

The European Parliament will debate Monday in plenary session the emergency Italian law which outcasts EU citizens posing a threat to public safety, adopted by the Italian executive shortly after a Romanian citizen allegedly murdered an Italian woman in Rome.

Romania Could Notify EU On Italian Deportation Law

Romania could notify the European Commission on the recently approved Italian law allowing prefects to deport EU citizens on grounds of public safety, Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu said Thursday.

Court Rejects President’s Challenge On Discrimination Ruling

Romanian president Traian Basescu lost, Thursday, the trial against the National Council for the Fight Against Discrimination, or CNCD, since the Bucharest Court of Appeal rejected as unfounded the presidnet’s challenge to the warning rendered by CNCD when Basescu offended a tv reporter.

Romanian Rroma Leader In Italy Is Internationally Wanted

One of the leaders of Rroma people in Italy, Costica Argint, who met with Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu Wednesday in Rome, is internationally wanted, but cannot be arrested as he obtained political asylum in Italy.

Romania, Hungary Mull Building High-Speed Railroad

The Romanian and Hungarian governments will sign Wednesday in Sibiu a joint statement to build a high-speed railroad on the route Budapest-Bucharest-Constanta and an agreement to extend the sectors in which Romanian citizens may work in Hungary without a working permit.

New Management At Romanian Mediafax News Agency

Romanian news agency MEDIAFAX has, starting with November 7, a new business director, Calin Buzea, who, together with general manager Cristian Dimitriu, will coordinate the company’s business activities.

Romanian Chamber Speaker Asks Pres To OK Uninominal Vote Law

Romanian Chamber Speaker Bogdan Olteanu, asked president Traian Basescu to initiate as soon as possible the procedure for the promulgation of the uninominal vote Law assumed by the Government, "thus Romania might benefit as soon as possible from the advantage of the uninominal voting system."

Romanian, Italian PMs Turn To EU For Support In Immigrant Issue

Romanian Prime Minister Tariceanu and his Italian counterpart sent a joint letter to the EU President asking for support, for the social integration of Romanian citizens in Italy, especially those of Romani origin, and they convened on the constitution of a working group on the Romani issue.

Moldovan President Accuses Romania Of Contesting Moldova’s National Identity

Vladimir Voronin, President of the Republic of Moldova, said in an interview for the Radio Free Europe that the relations with Romania "are not so good " and accused the Romanian authorities of contesting the national identity of his country.

EU Justice Commissioner Speaks About Tense Situation In Italy

The European Commissioner for Justice Franco Frattini considers that the tense situation in Italy involving Romanian citizens is the "result of too much tolerance, in the past, toward lawbreakers and criminals."

Romanian Foreign Affairs Min Apologizes For Public Statement

Romanian discrimination watchdog CNCD publicly condemns the statement of foreign affairs minister Adrian Cioroianu, feeling that it generates a degrading, humiliating and offensive atmosphere for certain communities.

Romanian Lawmakers Send Far-Right Leader To Make Peace With Italy

Romanian lawmakers mandated far-right leader Corneliu Vadim Tudor to contact Italian authorities to help solve the immigrant crisis, Chamber secretary Ioan Munteanu said Tuesday.

S&P Revises Romania’s Outlook To Negative From Stable

Standard & Poor's Rating Services revised Romania’s outlook to negative from stable, on rapidly growing external imbalances, S&P announced Monday.

Romania Writes To EU Justice Commissioner On Italian Law Issue

Romanian authorities sent a letter to European Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini Monday evaluating the decree on public safety issued by Italy, Romania’s foreign affairs minister Adrian Cioroianu said.

Romanian Govt To Deploy More Police Officers To Italy, Encourage Voluntary Repatriation

The Romanian government will hike by up to 30 the number of police officers deployed in Italy and will ask for Romania’s attaches to be informed at least 24 hours before of any decision to expel Romanian citizens.

Most Of Bulgaria’s 2007 Tourists Were Romanian Neighbors

The largest number of tourists, 1.3 million people, to visit Bulgaria between January and September 2007 were Romanians. The percentage is 40% up compared to the similar period a year ago.

Romanian Pres Demands Fairness In Italian Policy On Immigrants

Romanian president Traian Basescu said that the Italian and Romanian Governments have great responsibilities in the situation created regarding Romanians in Italy and he asked the Bucharest Executive to guarantee good cooperation with its Italian counterpart.

Romanian PM Asks Italian Authorities To Protect Romanians

Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu said he would ask the Italian Prime Minister and the Mayor of Rome to take action against xenophobe attitudes toward Romanians in Italy, adding he also discussed the matter with President Traian Basescu.

Romania PM Urges Measures To Clear Country’s Image

Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu said he asked ministers of interior, labor and justice to come up with proposals by Monday to “balance” the deportation of Romanians from Italy, adding the government needs to react to improve Romania’s’ image

Romanian Foreign Min To Ask Italians To Prevent Hate Crimes

Romania’s Foreign Affairs Ministry condemns the attack Friday evening on four Romanian citizens in a parking lot in Rome, and minister Adrian Cioroianu urges Italian authorities to take measure to prevent such hate crimes.

Milan Authorities Deport Four Romanians

Four Romanians deported by authorities in Milan were turned over to Romanian authorities Friday night, based on the decree adopted by the Italian government which allows Italian authorities to take such measures on grounds of public safety.

EXCLUSIVE: “There Is A ‘Rroma Problem’” – Italian Ambassador

Italy’s ambassador to Bucharest, Daniele Mancini, told MEDIAFAX Friday evening that there is such a things as a “Rroma problem” and a solution needs to be found for their entire community.

Italy Terrified By Crime Committed By A Romanian Citizen

The Council of Ministers from Rome called for an emergency meeting to decide upon the measures to be taken after a Romanian citizen committed murder on Italian land, the Italian press reported.

New International Highway To Bind Romania, Serbia, Hungary

Romania, Serbia and Hungary are planning to build a new highway to connect northeast Serbia and southwest Romania with Hungary, Hungary’s news agency MTI reported Nepszabadsag newspaper as saying.

Ukrainian, Romanian Presidents In Talks On Bystroye Canal

Ukraine’s President Victor Yushchenko said the area of the Bystroye Canal is a sovereign territory where the Ukrainian state is free to unfold a sovereign activity.

Shoplifting Romanian Boxers Get 10 Year Ban In U.S.

Romania’s general consul in Chicago, Gheorghe Predescu, told MEDIAFAX Monday the three Romanian boxers who tried to shoplift are banned from entering the United States in the following ten years.

România şi Bulgaria vor fi legate prin şapte poduri peste Dunăre

România şi Bulgaria vor construi, până în 2050, şapte poduri peste Dunăre, proiect pentru care autorităţile celor două state vor încheia, anul viitor, un protocol de colaborare, a declarat, joi, la Călăraşi, ministrul Dezvoltării, Lucrărilor Publice şi Locuinţelor, Laszlo Borbely.

România-Finlanda, scor 87-86, în meciul doi la CE de baschet tineret din Polonia

Naţionala de baschet masculin tineret a României a învins, duminică, după prelungiri, reprezentativa Finlandei, cu scorul de 87-86 (27-46), în cel de-al doilea meci jucat în cadrul grupei D, la Campionatul European din Polonia (Divizia B).

România a pierdut finala Campionatul European de baschet junioare de la Timişoara

Naţionala de baschet feminin junioare a României a fost învinsă, duminică, în finala Campionatului European (Divizia B), de reprezentativei Croaţiei, cu scorul de 70-59 (34-33), finalistele obţinând totodată şi calificarea în primul eşalon continental.