romanian leu

Citi Sees Romanian Leu At RON3.95 Vs Euro By Yearend

Citi analysts revised down their forecast on Romanian leu exchange rate at the end of 2009, at RON3.95 to the euro, from its previously estimated RON4.2 against the euro, the bank said in a report.

Romanian Leu Opens Slightly Up Vs Euro, Against Regional Trend

The Romanian leu opened slightly igher against the euro Wednesday, against the trend of regional markets, and neared 4.24 units against the euro.

Romanian Leu Dn Vs Euro In Early Trade

The Romanian leu opened down against the euro Tuesday, mirroring currencies on emerging markets, and dealers suspect an indirect intervention of the central bank through hard currency selling orders.

Romanian Leu Opens In High Volatility Vs Euro

The Romanian leu opened Friday in an extremely high volatility, with the exchange rate registering variations, due to the fear of risk on international markets, following the collapse of international stock markets.

Romanian Leu Plunges Vs Euro In End-Trade, Touches 3.92 Units

The Romanian leu slipped against the euro in end-trade on Friday, touching 3.92 units, on hard currency buying orders from local and foreign investors, and amid low traded values, dealers said.

Romanian Leu Might Bounce Back On Good 3Q GDP – Ctrl Bkr

The Romanian leu might reverse by yearend part of its recent losses to the euro if third-quarter economic growth figures beat expectations, deputy central bank governor Eugen Dijmarescu said Thursday.