
Firea: Fetele şi femeile rome sunt discriminate, puţin consiliate şi de multe ori nebăgate în seamă

Fetele şi femeile rome sunt discriminate, prea puţin consiliate şi de multe ori nebăgate în seamă, susţine Gabriela Firea, ministrul Familiei. Ea arată că multe dintre femei ajung să nască acasă, ceea ce pune în pericol viaţa copilului şi a mamei.

Romanian Sets Himself Ablaze In Rome Protesting Against Red Tape

One Romanian citizen set himself on fire in the center of Rome, protesting against the bureaucracy in Italy, Il Messaggero informed online.

DNA Tests Don’t Incriminate Romanian Suspects Accused Of Rape In Rome

DNA samples collected from two Romanians charged with the rape of a 14 year-old Italian girl in Rome do not correspond with samples collected from the victim, and tests will be repeated, reported.

Romanian Murder Suspect Explains Hitting The Victim

The Romanian woman suspected, together with her husband, of having killed a building administrator in Rome, Itlay, said the victim came on to her, which caused her to fight back, according to Italian media.

Romanian Rape Suspect Said Confession Was Coerced

Romanian citizen Alexandru Loyos Isztoika, arrested in Rome for raping a teenage girl, said he was forced by investigators to admit guilt, and he withdrew his initial statement.

Two Romanians Arrested By Italian Police On Charges Of Rape

Italian authorities arrested Tuesday evening two suspects of Romanian citizenship who raped a girl in the Caffarella Park in Rome, and one of them confessed to having committed the rape, Correre della Sera reported in its online edition.

Four Romanians Injured In Allegedly Racist-Driven Attack In Rome

Four Romanian citizens were injured, two of them seriously, in an attack on a restaurant in Rome, Italy, on Sunday evening, the online edition of La Repubblica reported.

Romanian Umbrella Killer Asks For Italy’s President Support

A Romanian national sentenced to 16 years in jail for killing an Italian woman by stabbing her through the eye with an umbrella on Monday sent a letter to Italy’s president asking him to allow her to do time in a special center, where she could take care of her two children.

Giovanna Reggiani, The Italian Woman Attacked In Rome, Died

The 47-year-old Italian woman attacked and raped in Rome by a Romanian immigrant, died Thursday at 19.34 local time after a cardiac arrest, immediately after doctors acknowledged that “brain activity had ceased,” La Repubblica informed online.