
ING Survey: Over 60% of Romanians Expect To Be Working Beyond Retirement Age

Around 54% of Europeans expect to continue working after retirement age, with the highest rates among Romanians and Czechs (63%), according to the ING International Survey Savings 2019 released Wednesday.

Romanian Health Min: Converted Hospitals To Save Budget RON175M

Romanian Health Minister Attila Cseke said Sunday on ProTV that converting 67 hospitals to nursing homes for the elderly will save the state budget 175 million lei (EUR1=RON4.0966), but one of the goals of this move was curbing their inefficiency.

More Than Half Of Romanians Saved Money In 2010 – Survey

More than half of the Romanians with incomes of over 500 lei (EUR1=RON4.2892) saved money for unpredictable situations in 2010, and most of them preferred to keep it at home, according to a survey conducted by Daedalus Millward Brown for Raiffeisen Banca pentru Locuinte.

Romanians Should Save EUR3,700 Annually To Have Decent Retirement Income

Romanians who will retire by 2051 should save an average of EUR3,700 annually to enjoy a standard of living similar to that before retirement, insurer Aviva Asigurari de Viata general manager Mihai Popescu told a news conference Wednesday.

Romanian State Secretary, Deputy Prefect Cuts To Save Up EUR2 Million In 2010

Romania’s Government estimates savings of up to EUR2 million by the end of this year, and EUR4.5-5 million over an entire year, by reducing the number of state secretaries, undersecretaries of state and deputy prefects.

Romania’s Govt Estimates Pension, Wage Cuts Will Save RON10B

Romania’s Government estimates it will save RON5.39 billion in the second half of 2010, or 1.06% of the country’s GDP, due to the recently announced 25% public sector wage cut which come into force on June 1, says a document issued by the Finance Ministry.

Romanians Plan To Save Up, Go Out Less, Attend Church More Often

Romanians living in urban areas will try this year to save up in the bank, go out less often and go to church more, after living worse in 2009 than they did between 2006 and 2008 and having had to cut down on spending, according to a study by Daedalus.

Romanian Child Allowance Cap Considered For „Active Solidarity” – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday regarding the draft law on children’s state allowances that the intention is not to save money “at the expense of children” but to apply active solidarity, adding the right to an allowance is acknowledged, but the state decides the sum.

Romanians Deem Saving Important, 60% Have No Funds Saved – Survey

Around 83% of Romanians respondents to an IMAS International survey say that saving is important, but over 60% of participants have not saved money so far, and do not expect an improvement in the next five years.

Romanian Govt Eyes Savings Of RON317M From Cutting Heating Aid

The Romanian Government estimates to cut social assistance costs by 126.7 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2840) until the end of 2009, by cutting back on the number of people entitled to heating aids, and additional savings of RON190.1 million in the first months of 2010.

Romanian Mins Give Up One Fifth Of Pay Until Yearend

Romanian ministers signed a self-statement giving up 20% of their monthly salaries, until the end of the year, resulting in an overall saving of RON95,000, according to government spokesperson Ioana Muntean.

Ctrl Bk Governor Urges Romanians To Save In Local Currency

Romanian central bank governor Mugur Isarescu advices Romanians to spend less and save in local currency, as the drop in US savings has sparkled the problems which caused the recent turmoil in the international financial market.