
Around 1.8 Million Tourists Were On Romanian Sea Coast This Year, Down 15% On Year

Around 1.8 million tourists came to the Romanian sea coast this year, 15% fewer than in 2009, while tour operator revenue dropped by more than 25%, Corina Martin, head of the National Association of Tourism Agencies (ANAT), told MEDIAFAX.

Over 170,000 Tourists Spent Weekend On Romanian Black Sea Coast

Over 170,000 tourists spent their weekend in resorts on the Romanian Black Sea shore.

Romania’s Tourism, Development Min Works On New Town-Planning Law

Romania’s Tourism and Regional Development Minister Elena Udrea said Friday the ministry’s officials are working on a new construction law, as many of the country’s buildings were constructed illegally and triggered “town-planning disasters” countrywide.

Romanian Voluntary Lifeguards To Watch Over Seaside Tourists This Weekend

Tourists who choose to spend this weekend, starting with the Labor Day on Saturday, May 1, and also on Sunday, May 2, on the beaches of southeastern city port Constanta and Mamaia resort on Romania’s Black Sea Coast will be under the constant watch of 15 - 20 voluntary lifeguards.

TUI Nordic Officials To Evaluate Romanian Seaside Potential End-May

Officials of Scandinavian tour operator TUI Nordic, subsidiary of German Group TUI, will visit the Romanian Black Sea Coast at the end of May to discuss with Romanian officials the possibility of resuming operations on the local tourism market as of 2011, TUI Romania general manager Tim Grosse said.

Romanian Seaside Tourists Rejoice Low-Cost Program „One Week By The Sea”

Tourists wishing to spend their vacation on the Romanian seaside, between May 3 and June 15, will pay prices ranging from 159 lei (EUR1=RON4.1308) to RON399 for six-night accommodation, via the low-cost program “One week by the sea," launched by the Romanian Tourism Employers Federation, or FPTR.

Romanian Association Wants All Seaside Cos To Pay Tourism Promotion Fee

Romanian tourism association Litoral-Delta Dunarii said in a press release Friday it will propose that local authorities on the Black Sea Coast charge a tourism promotion fee for each and every company with business operations in seaside resorts.

Outdoor Shows On Romanian Coast May Take Place After 1 AM, Respecting Noise Limit

Outdoor shows or film broadcasts may take place in open theatres or tents on the beach in Romanian resorts between 1 a.m. and 8 a.m., provided maximum noise limits are respected, according to a Government decision.

Romanian Seaside Hotels Forced To Lower, Even Negotiate Fees

The small number of customers has forced hotel operators on the Romanian Black Sea coast to consider reducing their fees, even though they are even than prices asked by tour agencies, Romanian Tourism Employers’ Association general secretary Dragos Raducan told MEDIAFAX Monday.

Romanian Tourists Produced 75 Tons Of Waste On May 1 Vacation

Some 75 tons of waste were collected from the Romanian seaside beaches behind the tourists who spent their May 1 vacation there, but the quantity is approximately one third lower than the one collected last year.

Romanian Tour Cos Launch New Edition Of ‘A Week At The Seaside’ Progr

Romanian Tourism Employers Federation, or FPTR, has launched a new edition of the low-cost program “A week at the seaside”, meant to promote local tourism, FPTR said in a statement Tuesday.

Five Dolphins Found Dead In Two Days On Romanian Seaside Beaches

Five dolphins were found dead in the past two days on the Romanian seaside beaches, in the town of Mangalia.

Romanian Seaside Hotels Ready To Welcome Tourists For Easter

Romanian travel agencies said 41 hotels on the seaside are ready to welcome tourists for Easter this year, of which, 22 hotels in Mamaia resort, three in Eforie Nord and 16 hotels in Olimp, Venus, Saturn and Mangalia resorts.

Romania Seaside Hotel Rates Kept Unchanged In ‘09 – Hotel Owners

Romanian seaside hotels will charge similar tariffs as the last year, according to hotel owners, who said the number of tour packages sold in the first two months of the year exceeded the sales in the corresponding period of 2008.

Romanian Beaches To Be Leased To Hotel Owners

Romania seaside beaches will be leased to hotel owners this year during the summer season.

Romania Tourism Min Pushes For More Casinos On The Seaside

Romania’s tourism minister Elena Udrea said a larger number of casinos on the seaside would certainly attract more tourists, adding this can only be accomplished with fiscal facilities.

One Dead, Three Injured In Car Crash SE Romania

A 22-year-old woman died and other three were severely injured Sunday night after their car bumped against a tree on national road DN 39, between southeastern cities of Constanta and Mangalia, on Romania’s Black Sea coast.

Romanian President Comments On Tourism Sector

Romania’s President Traian Basescu Thursday said in southeastern city of Mangalia, at the opening of the summer season, that the Romanian seaside should compete against the country’s mountain tourism, not Bulgaria’s seaside.

Romania Seeks To Attract Business Tourists In 2008

The Romanian authorities are to focus on business tourism and short trips promotion this year, seeking to lure tourists to big cities such as capital Bucharest, the Ministry of Tourism said in a statement Tuesday.