
Trei măsuri pentru a salva bugetul de pensii, pe viitor. Pe termen scurt rămâne falimentar

Bugetul pensiilor de stat nu poate fi salvat, pe termen scurt. Anul viitor, deficitul acestui buget ar putea ajunge la 3,6 miliarde de euro, adică 3% din PIB. Pentru că sunt 4,2 milioane de salariaţi care susţin 4,7 milioane de pensionari (fără agricultori şi pensii speciale) şi pentru că pensia medie este de aproape 40% din venitul mediu brut pe economie în timp ce contribuţiile sunt de doar 31,3%, pensiile de stat vor continua să fie o "gaură" în bugetul statului încă mult timp de acum încolo.

Romanian Labor Min Mihai Seitan To Be Replaced

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Thursday that Prime Minister Emil Boc informed him that he is among the ministers to be replaced, with a final decision expected later in the day.

Ordinance On Social Security Contributions Will Not Be Changed – Romanian Labor Min

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Tuesday that Government Ordinance 58/2010, which amends the Fiscal Code, will not be changed and that an online tax payment system will be completed by the end of September.

Romania, France To Request Extra Funds For Roma Inclusion Projects From EC – Labor Min

Romanian and French authorities have agreed to jointly request extra funds for Roma inclusion programs from the European Commission, with a French delegation expected in Bucharest on September 9-10, Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Wednesday.

Romania Jobless Rate Kept Downward Trend In June, For Third Consecutive Month – Labor Min

Romania’s unemployment rate fell for the third consecutive month in June, said Labor Minister Mihai Seitan on Monday, declining, however, to mention the exact value of the rate.

Romania To Add EUR500M To Pension Budget – Labor Min

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan told a news conference Thursday that the state will not encounter any difficulties in paying pensions this year, adding that the budget revision set for early August will allot a further EUR500 million to the retirement benefit sector.

Recalculating Special Pensions To Save Up To RON300M Each Month – Romanian Labor Min

Romanian Labor Minister Mihail Seitan said Thursday that recalculating special pensions will save the state budget around 300 million lei (EUR1=RON4.3537) per month, and this figure will grow in 2011, after recalculating military pensions.

Romanian Public Salaries Could Drop 30-50% In 2011 Without Austerity Plan – Labor Min

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Monday that public sector salaries could be reduced by 30-50% or more in 2011, should the Government's austerity measures not be applied.

Romania To Introduce Unitary Contributions For Copyright, Civil Convention Income – Labor Min

Romania will draw up a special law to regulate copyright, civil conventions and aspects regarding authorized individuals, and will set unitary social contributions for income generated by these activities, Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said at the end of Wednesday’s Government meeting.

Romanian Labor Committee Senators Adopt Draft Pension Law With Amendments

The Romanian Senate’s labor committee adopted Wednesday the country’s draft pension law with amendments and agreed on a pension point of at least 45% of the average gross salary.

Boc şi Şeitan, reclamaţi pentru discriminarea taţilor

Alianţa Antidiscriminare a Tuturor Tăticilor - TATA - a sesizat Consiliul Naţional pentru Combaterea Discriminării (CNCD) cu privire la politica Cabinetului Boc de reducere a vârstei de pensionare a mamelor, precizând că taţii şi mamele au aceleaşi drepturi şi obligaţii.

Only Military Pensions Exceeding RON3,000 To Decrease Following Recalculation – Labor Min

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Wednesday that calculation scenarios showed that a considerable part of military staff pensions will not decrease, adding only military staff pensions exceeding 3,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.908) might be affected, but the reduction will not be of 69%.

Romania To Face No Problems Paying Pensions In 2010 – Labor Min

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan told a news conference Wednesday Romania will face no problems paying pensions in 2010, as EUR1.7 billion will be allotted from the state budget to serve this purpose, adding the minimum social pension will be set depending on the inflation rate.

Romania Plans To Cut Child State Allowance For High Income Families

Romania is working on a law to cut state allowance for children coming from families with high incomes, Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Friday, adding authorities have yet to decide on the maximum family income entitling children to state allowance.

Romania Ups Penalties For Early Retirement To 45% From 30%

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Thursday the country's new pension law increases penalties for early retirement to 45% from 30%, adding the number of people taking early retirement pensions has tripled since 2001.

About 25% Of Disability Pensions Obtained Illegally – Romanian Labor Min

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Steitan said Thursday Romania pays about 900,000 disability pensions, adding it is estimated almost 25% of them are obtained illegally.

Cei care au primit pensii de invaliditate ilegal vor da banii înapoi

Ministrul Muncii, Mihai Şteitan, a declarat, joi, că în România se acordă circa 900.000 de pensii de invaliditate şi se estimează că aproximativ 25% se acordă ilegal.

Romania’s Govt To Eliminate 13th Salary When Current Collective Labor Contracts Expire

Romania’s Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Monday that employees in the public sector will not be granted a 13th monthly salary after current collective labor contracts expire, as this particular salary right is only stipulated in such contracts.

Şeitan a propus ca plata CAS să fie făcută exclusiv de angajatul pe drepturi de autor

Ministrul Muncii Mihai Şeitan a propus, marţi, ca plata CAS în cazul celor care au doar contracte pe drepturi de autor şi convenţii civile să fie făcută exclusiv de către angajaţi, aceştia putând opta între plata a 30,8% din salariul minim pe economie şi 30,8% din cinci salarii medii brute.

Romanians With Income Exclusively From Copyright To Pay Social Security Contributions – Labor Min

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Monday that, under the draft pension law, people whose income comes exclusively from copyright would no longer be exempt from paying social security contributions, but that the measure would not apply to those who also have labor contracts.

Romania’s Govt Decides To Lay Off About 3,000 Social Workers

Romania’s Government decided Wednesday to lay off about 3,000 employees in social assistance units, after applying cost standards meant to reduce costs by 37% compared to 2009 and save 350 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1620) of the state budget.

Romanian Democrat Liberals Approve Minister Proposition List

Romanian Democratic Liberal Party’s leadership Friday approved the list of democrat liberals proposed for ministers in the country’s future Government.

Romania Asks IMF To Allow Higher Budget Deficit At 7.8% Of GDP – Sources

Romania has asked the International Monetary Fund to allow it run a higher budget deficit at 7.8% of the gross domestic product this year, due to delays in applying spending cuts aimed at keeping the deficit in leash, people familiar with the matter told MEDIAFAX Thursday.

Romanian Parliament Committees Oppose Proposed Labor, Finance Ministers

Romania’s Parliament committees for labor and equality of chances opposed proposed Labor Minister Mihai Seitan with 18 to 28 votes, and the committees for budget and finances opposed proposed Finance Minister Gheorghe Pogea with 15 to 23 votes.

Romanian Public Sector Pensions Calculated On Entire Activity – State Adviser

Romanian state adviser Mihai Seitan said Friday that the pension calculations will consider the entire active interval, not just the final months before retirement, and the calculation will be the same for all employees in the public sector.