
Romanian Ruling Party Pushes Public Servants’ Statute Through Lower Chamber

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies adopted Tuesday, with 172 pros, no cons and no abstentions the draft law on the Statute of Public Servants, while the two main opposition parties, PNL and PSD were absent from the proceedings.

Some 15,000 “Useless” Public Servants Need To Go – Romanian President

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Wednesdayon on public television that his recent statement regarding the laying off of 20% of state employees did not refer to 300,000 people, but to 10-15,000, adding the measure should be based on employee performance evaluations.

Romanian Public Servants Postpone Protests, Start Talks

The members of the Romanian National Union of Public Servants (SNPF) will suspend the protest actions announced for February 20 and 27, over an interval of ten days, as long as negotiations last with the Government, and if the negotiation result is good the unionists could even call off the strikes.