
Romanian Lower Chamber To Convene In Special Session On Aug 16

The Standing Bureau of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies decided Wednesday to call for a special plenary session on August 16, to debate a number of bills, including one regarding the National Integrity Agency.

Romania’s Govt To Meet Before Parliament Votes On No-Confidence Motion To Oust Govt

Romania’s Government will meet in a session before the Parliament convenes Tuesday to analyze the no-confidence motion to oust the Cabinet, as several ministers drew draft emergency ordinances that need to be enforced, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Sunday.

Romania’s Govt Wants Public Wage Fund Limited To 6.2% Of GDP By 2015 – Sources

The Romanian Government decided in Saturday’s meeting that the wage fund for the public system will be limited to 6.2% of the gross domestic products (GDP) by 2015, when the average wage will be half of the maximum wage, according to the new unitary wage law, government sources told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Govt Promotes In ’09 Most Substantial EU-Funded Projects Session – PM

Romanian Prime Minister on Saturday said the government is promoting this year the most substantial projects session meant to absorb European funds in 2009 and 2010, when the projects are likely to be implemented.

Chamber Session Shutdown Is An Option – Romanian Chamber Speaker

Romanian Chamber Speaker Bogdan Olteanu said Tuesday he will end the ordinary Chamber session when he feels pressure building up on the budget or Romania, adding he called on political leaders to give up on populist measures such as boosting the salaries of teachers.

Romanian Senate To Meet Tuesday With Dignitary Graft Files On Agenda

The plenary meeting of the Romanian Senate, for the cases of dignitaries Codrut Seres and Paul Pacuraru will unfold Tuesday, starting with 09:30 local time, Senate chairman Nicolae Vacaroiu announced.

Romanian Senate To Hold Extraordinary Session On August 25-28

The Romanian Senate will meet between August 25 and 28 in an extraordinary session, to discuss the cases of former minister Codrut Seres and acting minister Paul Pacuraru, the Senate leaders decided Monday.

Romanian Chamber Of Deputies To Meet In Extraordinary Session On Aug 13

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies will meet in an extraordinary session on August 13, regarding the approval of criminal investigations against former ministers Miron Mitrea and Adrian Nastase, a session requested by president Traian Basescu.